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Congrats!!!! You have officially read the equivalent of a short novel. Also, I thought I'd include some visualization of Melody since she'll be showing up more.

So here's what happened last week;

Kurt found a video of Sue and the glee club posted it online. And then somebody made a glist of who in the glee club was the naughtiest. So Rachel tried to seem like a bad girl by doing a video with Finn, Puck, and Jesse, but mostly it just hurt their feelings, and the song was really really bad; Like maybe the worst song ever written. Also, Sue spilled the beans that Will sicked faces with Shelby Corcoran and that one time April Rhodes spent the night, which totally hurt Emma's feelings. And that's what you missed on Glee.


Puckerman self-consciously walked into the choir room, everyone stopping in their place as they saw him. "Who is that guy?" Brittany leaned over and whispered into Santana's ear as she gaped at Puck, who was now mohawk-less. "My mom found a mole on my head when she was washing my hair on Friday." He explained to Santana as she sat next to him in the corner of the room. "Your mom still washes your hair?" "She started crying about sunblock and how she's always telling me to wear a hat when I'm cleaning pools." Puck continued, ignoring Santana's judgmental question. "So she made me go see Dr Friedlander, the dermatologist. He said he had to shave my head to get a closer look at it. It was nothing. They maimed me over a freaking freckle."

Puckerman leaned back into the plastic chair, "I feel like that guy that lost all his hair, then lost all his strength." Santana tilted her head in his direction, "Samson?" "Aggasi. This morning people actually had the balls to look me in the eye. I mean, it's just a mohawk, right? I'm still Puckasaurus." Santana shook her head, "Actually, I don't know if it's the missing mohawk or the whining, but I am totally not turned on by you right now." She said before standing from the seat next to Puck and leaving to almost empty choir room.

Mr Schuester watched confused as Rachel pulled out multiple containers of over-the-counter vitamins. "Um, wait. What are these?" He asked as he picked up one of the containers. "My vitamin supplements. I'm taking them three times a day." Mr Schuester silently watched as she just kept pulling more containers from her bag, "I'm exhausted. I felt a tickle in the back of my throat, and I never get sick." He shook his head, "I-I just don't understand why you're so tired all of a sudden." Rachel shook her head, "Because every song I sing in here is a solo. As you know, I have perfect pitch, which also means I have a very sensitive ear. None of them were singing. I knew I needed proof, so I had a little talk with Lauren Zizes, president of the A.V. club."

"Bug the choir room?" Lauren asked as Rachel stopped her at the end of the stairwell. "I'm almost offended my the simplicity of the request." Rachel rolled her eyes, "Just tell me you can do it, Zizes. The microphones would have to be hidden." Lauren nodded, "It'll cost you two boxes of Mallomars for me, and Snicker bars for my workers. take it or leave it, Berry." Rachel nodded.

Rachel pushed aside her vitamins to set a piece of paper down in its place, "Here are the glee club members who are not pulling their weight." Mr Schuester read over the list and looked back up at the girl, "this is half the club."

"I am very disappointed in you guys," Mr Schue said sternly as he looked over his students. "Can't believe you narked on us," Finn said as he side-eyed Rachel. "Don't get mad at me for exposing your laziness. I'm tired of carrying all of your weight. Regionals is in a month, guys." Schuester moved one of his hands over his chest, "I'm just trying to understand what's going on here. Finn, why did you stop singing?" Finn shrugged, "Cause you started giving all the male leads to Jesse. Kind of shook my confidence, you know?" Y/n nodded from behind him, "Yeah, when you give all the leads to one or two people it kinda makes it hard for the rest of us to feel like our parts are important." Santana groaned, "What difference does it make? Everyone knows that my job here is to look hot." Quinn looked up to the ceiling, "My baby hormones are making me moody." Brittany moved her hands to her ears, "There are so many lyrics."

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