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So here's what you missed last week;

Will found out Terri's fake pregnant. Yikes. Will left, and he's sleeping at school, and he's disqualified from sectionals because he slept on a mattress. And Quinn's pregnant, but Puck's the father, not Finn. She's also totally having a boy crisis and rethinking her whole relationship with Finn over Y/n. Which is awkward since she's been living in Y/n's guest room and occasionally sleeping at Finn's place since her parents kicked her out. And Sue gave the competition Will's set list for sectionals. And Ken and Emma's wedding is the same day, so Will can't go to the wedding and Emma can't go to sectionals, and Ken just seems kinda angry. And that's what you missed on Glee.


"I bet we get stuck with Mr Sinacori as our sectionals advisor," Artie said as he sat by Tina at the piano. Tina looked down at Artie, "The creepy math teacher?" Y/n let out a groan, "God I hope not." "He's always singing when he walks down the halls," Kurt said as he leaned against the polished instrument. Rachel walked over to them as she entered the room, "Hey guys. Did any of you think it was weird the way that Puck rushed to Quinn's aid during rehearsal yesterday?" She asked after looking over the group to make sure neither of the two was there. Mercedes thought for a moment before looking back at Rachel confused, "No." "I mean, he likes her. They're friends, we all know that," Artie said, not understanding what she was getting at. "Yeah, but it seemed like more than that." Rachel let out a sigh, "I've never told you guys this before, but I'm a little psychic." "I think you mean psycho," Y/n corrected making some of the group let out held-back laughs. "I can't read minds or anything yet, but I do have a sixth sense," Rache; continued a bit more defensively. "Something is definitely going on there."

Mercedes leaned back off of the piano, a bit creeped out by Rachel. "Uh, we- we gotta go." She said, walking away from the instrument as Kurt leaned down to grab his satchel. "We have to practice." Rachel said, a bit offended. "Oh, and we will. As soon as Mr Schuester names a faculty adviser to replace him." Kurt said as he pulled his leather bag over his shoulder. Rachel followed after him as he walked away, "It's nothing to be scared of. It's not like Carrie or anything."

Mercedes held her phone up to her ear as she walked down the halls, "Hey, she's onto it." "I know, it's really freaking me out," Tina said as she walked beside her, her phone also up by her ear. Her phone buzzed and she pulled it away from her, "Hold up. Artie's buzzing. I'm going party line." She said as she brought her phone back up to her ear. "Dudes, this is serious. If she finds out, she's gonna tell Finn. She's a total trout mouth." Tina looked over to her left as Kurt joined her side, "Kurt wants in." She handed her phone to the boy, "I say we lock Rachel up until after sectionals. I volunteer my basement." He said as Y/n joined the call. "We can't. We need her to sing." Kurt groaned, "Damn her talent." Santana was the next to join the call, Brittany walking alongside her. "We just heard. Who told?"

"We assumed it was you," Artie said. "Why would I do that?" Santana asked with a roll of her eyes. "To get back at Puck. Aren't you guys dating?" Kurt added. "Sex is not dating. And besides, Y/n has a bigger vendetta against Puckerman than I do." "It wasn't me either, I've been keeping this quiet since  before you guys even knew Quinn was preggo." The other lines went quiet for a moment at the information before the conversation picked back up. "Look, I don't wanna rock the boat. Since Quinn got pregnant, I'm top dog around here." Santana said as if it was obvious. Mercedes's eyes widened, "Hold up, Rachel's walking by. Hey, hot mama." Rachel looked back to her confused before walking away. "She's gone. Look, I know I screwed up telling all you guys about Quinn and Puck. And I feel really terrible about it, but we cannot let Rachel figure this out. If she tells Finn, he's gonna flip." Kurt nodded despite the only person able to see it being Tina, "And then we really have no chance at sectionals." One by one everyone hung up from the call.

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