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As knuckles lays there unconscious I feel more guilty that I couldn't do more to help him. I knew something was extremely wrong when he smacked me away. He was more terrified than anyone i have ever seen. I have never seen anyone with eyes as wide as his and all the color drained from his face. Even when the paramedics got to our dorm his heart rate was over the moon. His body was still sweating. They did managed to get his heart rate down, the sweating to stop and color back in his face when they admitted him for observation since this was something the doctors never seen before. I called his dad who rushed over here. I didn't know what his dad looked like until he walked in with his wife. I knew who they were immediately because his father looked like a older version of knuckles and his mothers kind eyes are just like knuckles eyes. She runs right up to her son who was still unconscious. I leave the room so they could be with their son until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see his father. "Yes sir?" I said respectfully. "Are you the one who called?" He asked. I nodded and he hugged me. "Thank you for looking out for him and you don't have to leave please stay." His eyes are gentle just like knuckles. I come back to the room where his mother hugs me. "Thank you!" She said. "You're welcome Mrs. Echidna." I said. "Please call me Ellen" "and call me Locke." They both smile. While knuckles lays there. His parents started asking me questions about who I was, how did this happen and of course if he's eating well. I told them everything except for the mate part. To my surprise, Locke and Ellen actually know my parents and my uncle due to being close to the rulers of angel island and had helped each other out in times of crisis. A younger female echidna walks in looking like her mother. This must be his sister. "How's knuckles?" I heard a male voice say over her phone "I just got here Mace." She hugs her parents and me. They tell her and his brother what I informed them. She stayed for a few hours and left a card signed by her and Mace before leaving. I sit on the couch so his parents can be by his side. I yawn and lay down on the couch to sleep.

I wake up with my my dad asleep on the chair next to the hospital bed and my mom on the other side with her head on my bed holding my hand. I see a card from my siblings on the table next to her and I crack a smile. I see shadow asleep on the couch across the room and he starts waking up. "Shadz" I whispered. He look straight up at me with a smile and walks right to the foot of the bed. "Hey how you feeling?" He whispered back relived to hear my voice. "Like shit" I joked and he smiled. "I'm sorry...." I said. "Don't apologize you were out of it I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to calm you down." He said looking down. "Shadz I lo-" I see my mom waking up and I grip her hand. "Knuckles?" "Hey mom." I smiled she hugs me and wakes my dad up and hugs me as well. "I'll let you talk to your parents want me to get you anything from the vending?" Shadow asked. "Honestly a grape soda sounds good right now." I smiled. He nods and leaves the room. "He's very sweet and super cute. I like him a lot." my mom said smiling. I blush and laugh nervously. "I like him too" dad said smiling while crossing his arms. "Well good because um we are actually um mated...." I wince hoping not to get a lecture. "Good I'm glad you finally found someone in your life who can look out for you." Mom said smiling giving me a kiss on my forehead. Dad just nods in approval. Shadow walks in with a bottle of grape Fanta. "Sorry they didn't have Sunkist Knux." He said. I smiled at him. "I'm thirsty so I'll take what I can get thanks Shadz." He hands me the bottle and I gulp it down. "KNUCKLES SABER ECHIDNA HAVE I NOT TAUGHT YOU RIGHT!" Mom yelled at me making me blush and shadow drops on the floor laughing. "God your mom is great!" He said as he continues to laugh. "So are you two gonna get married after college?" Dad said bluntly looking at Shadow who stops laugh and freezes looking at me. "I told them about us.... But wait how did you know about-." "Shadow being a vampire? Well one he told us and two we actually know his parents Lucifer and Marina and his Uncle Vladimir. So we are aware of the vampire mating thing. That's how it use to be with our ancestors. Before the 20th century." He smiled.

A while later the doctors come in saying I was negative for any drugs or poisons. They said due to the amount of stress I had put on my heart they put me on anxiety medication and said I need to rest for two weeks and to come back on that following Monday for a follow up. I nod luckily I can take my classes online. The doctor gives me a note to give to the school to accommodate my condition for 2 weeks.
I was discharged a few hours later and had just missed all my classes. My parents made sure me and shadow had everything in our dorm before leaving. I lay in my bed looking at the hospital arm band. "Your parents are wicked cool" Shadow said smiling trying to make me feel better. "Yeah I just wished you met them under better circumstances....." I said. "By the way how did you last without blood for so long." He pulls out a M&M minis pop bottle from his jacket. "Blood tablets" he said opening them up. They actually look like mini mM&Ms. I watch as he bit into one and droplets of blood came out. "Ok that's fucking cool" I said pointing to it. Shadow smiles but started shifting uncomfortably. "What's wrong" I asked sitting up. "What happened last night? I was so woke up just scared....." he looked down. I sigh and took a deep breath and started to explained what sonic had told me about strange things happening to the students here.

Then I told him what happened to me in the nightmare that had put me in the hospital.

Mated to a Vampire (Knuxadow)Where stories live. Discover now