New Vampire

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I smile at shadow when he welcomes me back. I still feel like myself except I'm craving blood. Shadow takes his sharp nail and cuts his arm. "Drink my blood it will control your thirst faster." He said I gulp remembering how disgusting blood tasted like. I feel my stomach turn in hunger so I licked the blood from his arm. To my surprise it tasted good. It was sweet but had a tanginess to it. I feel my teeth sharpen and sink into his skin and hear him yelp. I pulled back blushing. "S-S-sorry...." I said looking down. He chuckles lifting up my chin. "It's ok that means your thirst is controlled when your fangs grow out." He smiled giving me a kiss. "Let's get out of here." I said. Shadow helps me up since I still feel a little weak and gives me his hoodie since my shirt is ruined. "Let's get you some more blood to strengthen you up" he smiled picking me up.
I keep forgetting how fast vampires are because we were already standing outside of a regular 24/7 grocery store. "Ummmm Shadz why are we-" he puts his finger on my lips. "You will see." He said with a grin taking my hand entering the store. It's empty yet there are a more cars than employees here. He takes me to the corner between the flowers and seasonal isles. I stare at the wall confused. Shadow taps his fingers to certain tune. He looks back at me smiling as the wall opens up to small room with cart escalators. He grabs a small cart and I follow him. As the escalator goes down i am amazed that there is a whole other store down here for the vampire community. "Well that explains all the cars" I thought. Shadow takes me to the customer service to get me a Vampire ID card for every vampire store in town, even in restaurants! I put the id in my wallet as shadow grabs some blood oranges from a free treat stand. "They are best for cravings. Here take half" he said as he opens one up in half giving it to me. I take a bite of the fruit and all the juice is gone. "Oops...." "No no that's what your supposed to do!" He smiled I blush. "I got a lot to learn...." I said. He picks up a bag of them. "These are my favorite snack by the way." His smile gets bigger. "Why are you smiling so big?" I asked never seen him smile so much. "Because I found my mate who has saved my life and has joined eternity with me and I get to show him everything about being a vampire." He grinned kissing my cheek. I smiled letting out chuckle loving this side of him. We continue to walk around and I feel all the eyes on me. "Um Shadz why is everyone looking at me?" I mumbled in his ear as he was picking up a carton of juice reading the back label."Because you're new and with the prince or that your fly is opened." I looked down at my jeans only to see it wasn't opened and Shadow burst out laughing throwing the carton in the cart. "You jerk..." I playfully slap his arm cheeks red from embarrassment. "Awwww come on Knuxie you know you love me~" he said with a cute pouted face. I sigh smiling at the new nickname. "Yeah I do."

We returned to the dorm where we see a lot of cop cars lighting up the dark parking lot. "Shit!" Mario, Sonic, my parents and Shadow parents, assuming shadows uncle sees us and starts running to us with a few officers. "THANK GOD YOU TWO ARE OK!" My mother yelled hugging us both. My dad holds me tight. I look over at a long hair scarlet female hedgehog with blue eyes wearing a dark silver silk blouse tucked in a black pencil skirt and Louis Vuitton heels holding shadow tight. A black hedgehog with blue streaks red eyes, wearing a full dark suit joining her. A dark grey hedgehog with red streaks wearing a red button down shirt under a black blazer and black dress pants walks up to me. "Knuckles is it? Locke's and Ellen's youngest boy?" He said with a slight Irish accent. I nod. "Yes sir" I said with respect. He nodded and walked over to the woman and whispered in her ear. Her blue eyes looks over at me and begins to walk over. My parents smiled and bow their heads as she approached. Her arms wrap around me and the aroma of cherries fill my nose. "Omg this is his mother Marina!" "It's so nice to meet you I wish it was under better terms" she spoke with a slight Irish accent just like the grey hedgehog. "We are glad you both are safe." The black hedgehog said in a Romanian English accent holding out his hand red eyes staring down at me making me nervous. I take his hand nervously and he pulls me in for a hug suddenly my body relaxes. "Lucifer! Don't scare my son like that." My father said with a laugh. "That's how my brother in law is Locke" Vladimir the grey hedgehog spoke. "Why are there cops here?" Shadow asked. "Your friends came back to your dorm and found it ransacked with his laptop showing the person behind the incidents here at the school" one of the officers said. "Also we had a few witnesses seeing you both being taken against your will." We looked at each other then back at the officers, our parents and friends explaining everything that has happened.

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