1. The Encounter

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A/n: This story holds a very strong sexual content and strong language (keneme), if uncomfortable you can always leave. You've been warned

Winter's POV

Now that i finished Senior High School what am i suppose to do? I can't go to college yet because i don't have the money, and my dumbass couldn't possibly get a scholarship. Ugh this sucks, the only reason why i study because of the bright future that my annoying sister always tell me.

Yes, my parents were already dead and the only person i rely onto was my older sister Taeyeon. (Like in every other au's). I kicked the bottle that was on ground, sighing i looked up and was greeted by a flying flyer that hit my face. Fueled by my anger, i grabbed the flyer on my face and was about to rip it but stopped when i noticed what was written on it.

The number and words on the flyer made my eyes wide open. This might be the answer to my prayers, i jumped childishly in joy not minding the weird stares people are giving me. "Fuck i forgot that i need to call the number first to examine if it's legit".

I fished my phone in my pocket and called the number that was written on the flyer. Two rings and but it still didn't answer, i was starting to loose hope however on the third call it finally picked up. 'Yes finally bitch!'.

"Hello? This is the Yu's residence how can i help you?". The person on the other line said. Residence? What the fuck is that? I shake my head and clear my throat before speaking. 'Don't mess this up winter this is your only chance to get to college and be rich in the future or not...charot'. I said to my thoughts.

"Hi, this is Kim Minjeong i was wondering if you're still looking for a maid, i would like to apply for it". I bit my lower lip in nervousness. "Oh about that...

I'm afraid that we don't have any vacancy for maids, but don't worry well call you if did have. Your name's Kim Minjeong right?".

I frowned at what the person said on the other line but still manage hide the disappoinment in my voice. "Yes". I answered suddenly uninterested to whatever she will say, i know that they will only say that but in reality they wouldn't really call you and will eventually forget about you. (Pareparehas silang lahat, pampagana lang tong mga jokes ko. Corney ba? Edi lumayas ka, charot).

"Can we get your number just incase". The person said. "It's ****-***-***". "Okay Kim Minjeong we'll just call you thanks for contacting us". I ended the call and turned my phone off not even bothering to say thank you or welcome to whoever that person is. "Ugh why am i so unlucky!!!".

I shouted staring at above the sky, i raised my hand trying to cover my eyes from the sun but ended up doing a middle finger instead. I laughed to myself, i must be getting crazy. I envy Giselle, that dumbass was able to go to college since she's rich asf.

She actually wants to help me get into a college since me and her, we're inseparable dumb and dumber duo. The only problem is that her parents weren't allowing her to get near me, saying that im only a bad influence to her. Since then i lost contact with her, my only bestfriend.

Sheesh i crumpled the paper on my hand and threw it on the thrash can. "Useless shit, just like me. I better go back Taeyeon unnie must be looking for me".

Third Person's POV

Winter walked towards her home plugging her earphones as she put her hood on. Winter stopped on her tracks when she saw a woman getting dragged into a dark alley. She gulped not knowing what to do and she's not the type of person to butt into someone's business so she decided to just walk away. "Someone will save her, i don't have time for shits anyway".

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