4. Pain = Pleasure (TW)

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(TW): Contains BDSM, spanking, torture but more like teasing, and all that horny kinky shits ever existed...

-What Karina's playroom looks like.

-What Karina's playroom looks like

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Third Person's POV

An hour passed after the steamy session between her so called hot boss happened. The younger woman was woken up by a clanking sound that she heard above her head. Groaning, she tried opening her eyes only to get blocked by a fabric that's covering both her eyes. 'No not this shit again'. Winter thought to herself as she wriggles on her position.

'No way she didn't jus-'. Winter's thoughts were cut of when she heard the older woman's voice speak beside her. "You awake puppy?". Winter gulped, the sexiness in the older woman s voice is enough to make her hard again and she can totally feel it. Karina chuckled seeing the younger woman's arousal standing hard. Licking her lips, she trailed her hands from Winter's collar down to her stomach scratching it on purpose, enough to make the younger woman feel pain.

Winter tried moving her body but it's no use since both of her hands and legs are tied to each side of the bed post. "Agh your fingernails are hurting m-". Karina dug her nails deeper into Winter's stomach making the younger woman yelp in pain. The older woman smirked loving how Winter react to her touches. "Keep screaming like that puppy it makes me want to punish you more".

Winter's back arched, her mouth opens letting out sounds of pain as the sound of metal clanking can be heard inside the room due to to the handcuffs that are on her hands. Karina bit her lower lip, taking her hands off the younger woman's stomach as she grabbed the candle that is placed beside her. She lift up the candle and watched how the wax drip down towards Winter's stomach.

"No!!! Stop! It hurts! Please it hurts!". Karina did as what the younger woman plead. She placed the candle back to its rack and peeled the dried wax of the candle on Winter's bare stomach leaving red marks on the younger woman's milky skin. "Didn't i tell you that there will be consequences whenever you disobey me? Puppy? You pounding deep inside me when i clearly told you to slow down...That's why accept this as your punishment and be quiet or else...You know what i can do puppy".

Karina sat on the younger woman's thighs, leaning close to lick the red marks that the candle wax left on Winter's body. Winter bit her lower lip preventing a sound to come out, almost too hard that made her cut her lower lip. Karina noticed this and stop from what she's doing. She sat directly on the younger woman's crotch and grinded on it slowly. Winter arched her back as her head fell backwards on the soft pillows of the bed. She wants nothing more than to be inside the hot walls of her boss.

As eager as Winter felt at that moment she didn't say anything and just stayed quiet. Karina smiled. "What a good puppy". She put her hands on top of Winter's chest slowly massaging the hardened nipple while she grinds on the younger woman's hardened cock. It made Winter slip out a moan making the older woman stop. "I guess i was wrong". She got up from the younger woman and left Winter on the bed. "N-no! please comeback, im sorry. I-i won't do it again!".

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