14.) What would it be (TW)

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Prepare yourself for the scenes that you might encounter will...

Break your heart...

Winter's POV

My entire body shook in fear as i watch Karina inside the labor room. Earlier while i was guiding her inside the bathroom to take a bath, she told me that i should wait outside and that she could manage it herself. I ran towards her when i heard her scream then there it was, i saw blood flowing down her legs that's why i panicked.

I immediately called the ambulance and our three guards Ryujin, Yujin and Yeji to help me carry her. When the ambulance arrive we wasted no time and rushed straight to the hospital. "Ma'am please wait outside we'll take care of her". The nurse told me as she pushed the stroller inside the room. I let Karina's hand go and peeked through the glass window.

Ryujin patted my shoulder as we sat on the waiting area outside the labor room. "She'll be fine dont worry they got the best doctors here. I'm sure they won't let anything happen to Karina and your babies". Im scared there's been a lot of what if's that's been lingering on my mind. It's already been 3hours how come the nurse nor the doctor went out to even talk to us about what's going on inside.

"The patient says she wants to see Kim Minjeong is she here?". The doctor said when she opened the door i quickly went inside the room not bothering to answer her. I scanned the area and found Karina, there were tears on her eyes and she's screaming out in pain. I stand up near her and held her hand tightly. "Quick get the tools! The patient is about to give birth!". The nurse informed, all of them went beside her and there was one whose waiting near her entrance. "M-minjeong...". She said weakly as she looked at me with teary eyes.

"Okay miss i know this will be painful but i need you to take a deep breath and push okay. No matter what don't pass out okay?". The nurse instructed and Karina nodded. She took a deep breath and when the nurse said push, she screamed as she tried her best to push. Her grip on my hands got tighter, i hate seeing her in this state what scares me the most is that i might loose her here. "M-minjeong, i will always love you okay. N-no matter w-hat". (Ozge mag overthink kana kasi angst to).







"She's unconscious shit! Everyone gather around call the doctors!". The nurse said and i looked at the monitor and saw the heart beat dropping into a thin line. The tears in my eyes formed as i looked at Karina. No, please not this way. My whole world stop even the noises of the tools clattering didn't seem to have any voice over my thoughts.

Thats when i realize..."Karina!!! No please don't leave me! Not this way love! Please!". I gripped her hand tightly as my eyes get foggy through my tears. "Ma'am excuse me but we need you to sit back there for a minute we need to prioritize the both the babies safety". My heart sanked, i gripped the nurse's coat and made her face towards me. "What about my wife? What is her status? Is she still safe? Please tell me she's still...I can't lose her, please".

I fell down on my knees and i felt how the nurse guided me in the corner of the room. I looked up and there i saw my wife fighting for her life. I can't feel anything except the feeling of fear, emptiness as i heart the monitored beep. I saw that the two kids were safely delivered but my wife. My Karina, she's..."Clear! One, Two, Three, Clear!".

"It's no use doc she's already gone...". Those words struck me in the heart like a sharp knife, nothing is more painful than that. I got up from my seat ran towards the bed, i was blocked by the doctors and they heled me down. "Let me go! My wife's alive! She can't leave me yet! Please let me go. Let me go...I need her". The doctors sighed their grip on my shirt loosen.

With all the strength i have left i went beside her pale body and there, i poured all my tears while holding her hand. "L-love p-lease this isn't a g-good time for j-jokes. Wake up please K-karina". I caressed her face and gripped her cold lifeless hands tightly. The door swung open revealing Yeji, Yujin, Ryujin, Giselle and Ningning.

Their eyes widened and the tears flow down their cheeks as they stared at Karina and me. "W-winter...". I felt Ningning's hand on shoulder as she looked down at me with red eyes because of crying. Her mouth opened and the words that came out from it was the reality that i don't want to face. "She's...gone".

My whole world shattered into pieces as i cried my heart out beside Karina's lifeless body. I stared back at her face and kissed her lips one last time. "Thank you for everything i will always love you. I promise that i will find you and choose you in every lifetime that we're on. Rest well my love, i'll take of both Karmin and Yuki. See you on the other side Karina".

End. (Ano iyak ka no?)




(It's already the end why are you still scrolling?)




(The scene that you've just read above was only a prank hehe...)



That's all for the short update today. Reminders this story is a happy ending which means this chapter is clearly just a prank🤣 I just want to see your reactions. I have final exam coming this Monday so goodluck to me and...

If you don't like and comment i will force this chapter as the ending😇🔪

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