12. Take two!

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Winter's POV

"Babyyyyy~ come here please i need you". Yup that's Karina alright. She's been extra clingy these days and i clearly understand the reason why. "After im done cooking okay?". I said and placed a kiss on her nose, she pouted and pulled me towards her engulfing me into a tight hug. "Are you going to leave me?". She said with a teary eye, i shaked my head cupped her cheeks.

"I won't and will never leave you okay? So don't cry". I wiped the tears that are forming on the corner of her eyes. Its really hard to keep up with her moods. Earlier she was mad at me, then the next thing i knew is that she's clingy and is being sweet again, and now she's sulking again. "Then where are you going?".

"To the kitchen love, im cooking remember?". She hid her face in my chest and hugged me even tighter. "No, stay". Why is she so cute, so different from the sophisticated, possessive and scary Karina i know. "The food will burn and our baby will get hungry".

She looked back at me with a pout, i pinched her cheeks before detaching myself to her. "I'll be back real quick". I practically ran towards the kitchen good thing i got there on time the food almost burned. After i finished cooking i turned off the stove and prepared our food. I placed it on the table and called Karina after.

She wasn't answering so i went towards her she's watching frozen on the tv again. I tapped her shoulder to get her attention but she wouldn't even spare me a glance. Now what did i do wrong again. "Love you can watch that later let's eat now, do you want our baby to get hungry?". She got up from her seat and went towards the table not even waiting for me. I sighed she's on her 'ignore mood again'.

Third Person's POV

After the two finished eating Winter placed the dishes on the sink and washed them. After she's done washing the plates she sat beside Karina and wrapped her hand on the girl's waist. "Why are you ignoring me love? Did i do something wrong?". Karina huffed and sat far away from her making Winter pout.

"Jagi im sorry please don't ignore me". Karina finally looked at her and sighed. "You forgot what day is it today". Winter's brow raised making the older woman glare at her. (Just pretend it's still April 11). "It's my birthday Minjeong how can you forget that! You know what don't talk to me. I hate you".

Karina stormed off to her room and slammed the door shut. The younger woman was left on the couch speechless. She groaned as she hit her face. "That's why she's been sulking since earlier. Omg Winter you are so stupid how can you forget your future wife's birthday?". Winter fished her phone inside her pocket and called her bestfriend. "Hello Gi are you busy?".

"Well good afternoon to you too Winter, anyways i ain't busy. Why'd you call? You have a problem do you?". Winter sighed in defeat the girl knows her too well. "Yes a big one in fact. I forgot it was Karina's birthday today! And i don't even have any presents to give her. What's worse is that she wouldn't talk to me! Please help me Gi i don't know what to do right now".

"That did sound like a big problem wait for me friend im coming there".

"Drive safe Gi, bye". The phone beeped and 20 minutes later Winter got another call. "Yow im outside a cat looking girl won't let me in". Winter laughed she's probably talking about Yeji. She went outside and saw Giselle glaring at Yeji. "Yow Winter let me in this girl here won't let me!". The japanese girl pointed towards Yeji who let out a scoff. "Why would i let you in? Who knows if you're a robber". The cat eyes girl retorted.

Giselle almost grabbed her hair from outside the bars and pulled it. "Gi stop! I'm sorry Yeji that girl is actually my friend she's safe to say. You can open the door now". The cat eyed girl opened the gate and let Giselle's car in. When the japanese girl got out of her car she made sure to stuck her tounge out towards Yeji.

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