3. I'm always in control (M)

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Guys i didn't know what happened i think i accidentally deleted the original chapter 3 while i was writing😭 so now i revised the entire chapter im sorry.

Winter's POV

Opening my eyes i found myself inside my boss's bedroom, butt naked under the covers. Without thinking i immediately sat up causing my head to spin and my vision to go static. I held my head as a blink my eyes trying to see clearly. When my vision was finally restored, i shifted my gaze unto the yellow note placed on top of the table.

    I hope you had a good sleep, my back ached when i drag you back inside the room. There's a paper inside the cabinet, read it and when i come back home i want you to get prepared. Also take a bath, i want you to smell like Johnson baby powder when i ride you.


Just wow i don't have any other words left to say, what a bossy person and who left this early on a Saturday morning? My back hurts like hell, the last thing i remember is that yeah we did it and i passed out after that. I wrapped the blanket around my body as i walked towards the cabinet where the so called paper was.

I opened the drawer to see what's inside and yes there is a paper. I opened it and to surprise the only thing that was written in there was,


Step by step process.

Who lefts a fucking note like that? Seriously what a waste of bond paper.


Third Person's POV

Just like what Winter applied for she cleaned the mansion like a maid and also cooked food for her boss, later. She roamed around the house and noticed that there's not much of a people inside there except for the guard and her. It was Winter's first time seeing the guard and it made her feel nervous.

"H-hello". Winter said in a small cute voice, the guard seemed to noticed her presence as it shifted it's gaze towards her. "Hi, you must be the new maid Miss. Yu hired. I'm Hwang Yeji the guard of this mansion or you can just call me Yeji". Yeji raised her hands for a handshake in which Winter took shyly. "Kim Minjeong, Winter in short".

The two girls talked and laughed, exchanging questions and answers about themselves. Time flew so fast, that around 1pm, her boss, Karina, finally arrived. The gate automatically opened and the older woman parked her car in the garage, coming outside wearing her usual bitch face before calling her puppy of a  'maid'. "Kim Minjeong come here and take all of the bags out of the trunk, and carry them inside, make sure you don't break anything inside there".

"It was fun talking to you Yeji i gotta go now our boss is calling me". Yeji chuckled and smiled before saying. "Be careful around her, she's a really dangerous woman when she's mad". Minjeong nodded while answering. "I already know that". Karina looked at the younger woman, giving her a blank stare before going inside the mansion. "What's up with her". Winter asked herself before shrugging the thought off.

Winter placed all the bags on the living room, holding her back that's already in pain. "Here's all your bags ma'am, is there anything you want me to do?". Winter asked the older woman who's sitting on the sofa with crossed legs, the older woman didn't answer. "I'll take that as a no". Winter turned around to go outside but stopped when she heard the older woman spoke. "And where are you going?".

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