16. Vows (M)

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Winter's POV

My hands shake as i try to wear the bow on my neck. I turned my head around when i heard someone laugh behind me. "Really Min i thought you're already a grown up, come here". I pouted as i let her fix the bow on my neck. "Who wouldn't be nervous unnie when you know that you're getting married already".

She looked at me with a furrowed eyebrow before fully fixating my bow. "I wouldn't, if it means im gonna have a great gorgeous and smart wife like yours in the future". I chuckled i looked one more time at the mirror. "I'm gonna tell you right now Minjeong you look great. You have my genes ofc you would".

I smiled she's still the playful unnie i know. I got shocked when she suddenly hugged me. I panicked when i heard her sniffle. "Unnie is there something wrong? Why are you crying?". She wiped her tears and chuckled. "It's nothing im just overwhelmed with happiness. I just can't believe that the little Winter i was once taking care of is finally getting married".

She cupped my face and looked at me straight in the eye. "If mom and dad were here, they would've been so proud and happy to see their little Minjeong grow up into a fine woman". I bit my lower lip as i held back my tears. I closed my eyes and feel them drop on the side of my cheek which was quickly wiped by away by Taeyeon unnie.

I opened my eyes and saw her smiling at me. "You're gonna be a great wife and husband". I giggled im gonna miss her taking care of me. "Take good care of your wife, Karmin and Yuki okay? If not i will hunt you down even if we're sisters. Our bloodline doesn't tolerate bad habits take note of that". I nodded she dusted my coat and moved towards the door. "Let's go?". I smiled, let's go indeed.

Karina's POV

"You look gorgeous Winter's lucky to have you and also you to have her". Ningning said and i couldn't agree more. "Is the bride ready?". I heard Giselle ask as she knocked on the door. Ningning opened it and greeted her girlfriend with a kiss, well finally she got the tits to confess to the japanese that she likes her and boom the feelings mutual.

"You look pretty in that dress Karina i can see why Winter's head over heels for you, even if sometimes you chase her with a knife". We all laughed at her joke, i mean who wouldn't be obsessed with the on and only Kim Minjeong right? The makeup and hair stylist told us that it's finished the two let out a wow as they looked at me. "Get that D- i mean get your woman girl!". Ningning said.

"It's finally time huh". I can feel my entire body shake in nervousness, am i the only one feeling this or does Minjeong also feels this. She probably doesn't she's a brave girl for all i know. "Nervous?". Giselle asked and i nodded. "There's no reason to get nervous unnie. I can see how much Winter loves you and why would you be nervous now that you have two kids?".

If it weren't for this dress i would've smacked this girls head, she's been attacking me since earlier. "Aish you two aren't helping to ease my nervousness". Ningning smirked once again, oh please enough of this. "Winter can help...in bed that is". Ningning laughed but stopped when i glared at her. She hid behind her girlfriend who giggled at her silliness.

"Don't mind this girl Karina. I'm not really good with advices but i can assure you that there's no need to be nervous...that's all". They're both useless they really pair with each other.

Third Person's POV

The wedding ceremony finally began, kids starts to throw petals of roses on the red carpet path of floor. The most cutest thing about it is that 3 year old Karmin and Yuki participated in throwing the flower petals. Karmin even put the basket on her head after she finished throwing the petals making everyone inside laugh.

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