13. Sister in-law

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Winter's POV

"I'm nervous love". I said as i held Karina's hand. "Don't be, im here for you no matter what happens. Whether she accepts it or not. What truly matter is that you got the chance to let her know". She squeezed my hand tightly and smiled lovingly into my eyes. I heaved up a sigh and nodded. I picked my phone up and dialed my sister's number.

"Hello, who is this?". Her voice sounded like she has just woken up from bed. I went silent when i heard her voice, im nervous i couldn't bring myself to speak, i broke a promise to her. "If you're not gonna talk then im hanging up the phone, you're wasting my time by-".

"W-wait Taeyeon unnie". I can hear her gasp on the other line. "M-minjeong is that you? Omg how are you little sis? I missed you so much you know! How did your job go? Did you get fired? Did you already eat? Are you going home now?". I gulped, she's still as caring as ever. "I'm fine unnie infact i ate here almost every second. Also you're right unnie im going home, but not because i got fired. It's because i have something to tell you, promise me you wouldn't throw me out the house or ignore me okay?".

I finished nervously, i can feel my hands shaking as i held my phone near my ears. I heard her laugh on the other line and it made me let out a silent sigh of relief. "I wouldn't throw you out you're my sister. I'm so excited for your news Min it better be good. So what day and time will you visit here?". I looked at Karina and she muttered 11:20am. "11:20am unnie on this day".

"Okay noted i'll wait i guess i have about a hour and a half to prepare, see you Min. Unnie loves you bye and drive safe on your way here okay?". I nodded even tho she can't see me. "I love you too unnie bye". I turned the phone off and released another sigh that i've been holding for a long time. "She doesn't look that strict Minjeong if anything she's the opposite".

Karina told me and i smiled. "Yeah she isn't that strict but she's scary when she's mad, and that's what im afraid of. Anyways we should prepare, were gonna meet her later". It only seemed like yesterday since i met Karina and now a small baby bump on her belly can be seen. I held her tummy and put my ear to listen to it. "Baby how are you doing inside there, don't give mommy a hard time when your already out okay? I love you".

I placed a kiss on Karina's baby bump and that made her chuckle. Ever since her tummy began to grow bigger, i stopped her from going to the company and asked Ning if she can take care of it for awhile. Surely enough she agreed, and me i didn't stop from studying ofc. I would have Yujin and Ryujin watch over her along with the new maid Chaeryoung.

Yes me and Karina would fight often due to her jealousy but, i always make sure to understand her mood and take care of her. One time i came home late from school because me and Giselle had to catch up to a project. When i arrived home Karina was already crying and she accused me on having an affair with the girl i met during the first day of school.

However i always make sure to make her feel that she's the only woman that i'll ever love and nobody else. Also i limit our physical contact with each other, you probably know the reason why. Although she disagrees with me sometimes she can't help but to follow it, it's the doctors advice. "I'm curious if we'll have a baby boy or a baby girl nevertheless i'll love it unconditionally like how i love you".

"I should get an ultra sound after we meet your sister don't you think?". I became nervous again but i shrug the thought off and nodded. "It's already 11 should we go now?". I held her hand and kissed the back of it. "We probably should".

Third Person's POV

"Do you want us to go with you two?". Ryujin asked Winter shaked her head. "It's fine you two just wait here". Yujin and Ryujin looked at each other before shrugging. "We'll be waiting here at the car and if there's any problem just call us". Winter rolled her eyes at the two for being way overprotective. Winter waved her hand and held Karina's hand as they both walk towards her sister's house.

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