6. Fluttering

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Third Person's POV

Winter was sitting on the couch staring and watching at the tv, however her mind is floating somewhere. The older woman's words earlier lingered in her mind that made her smile. "I want to know you better Minjeong. Your parents might have not show you what it feels to have a complete family but right now, im here, so let me show you". Winter turned her head around and saw the older woman cooking.

She feels like her heart is gonna burst because of how the older woman is treating her. At first she thought that Karina only wants nothing more than rough sex but now she's doubting herself if either the older woman likes her or not. Plus it's impossible to fall in love with someone in a span of two days only, so Winter thought that the older woman is just showing this kind of different side to her. Winter shrugged her thoughts and focuses her eyes back on the tv.

Winter felt Karina's hand snake it's way from behind and wrap it around her shoulder. "Penny for your thoughts?". The younger woman sigh and faced her. "Why are you doing this?". Making the older woman furrow her eyebrows. "What do you mean?". Karina asked back. "This...Why are you being this kind to me like, you just met me as your maid two days ago and now...Now your confusing me Jimin. Are you this kind with every maid you first met?".

Karina held her hand and squeeze it lightly. "No. It's just, you're different from them, and like i said i want to know you better, Minjeong". The older woman smiled genuinely making Winter's heart flutter from the small action. "But why me?". Karina shrugged before pulling her and hugging her. "You remind me of someone...". Karina's hug tightened suffocating the younger woman a little.

"R-rina your breast are suffocating me". Karina pulled away and the two started laughing. "As if you don't like it". Winter saw how the smirk crept into the older woman's face as she cross her hands infront of her chest. Winter shake her head, she grabbed Karina's hand and guided her towards the kitchen. "The food's gonna burn i'll help you cook. I was checking up on you earlier and you almost burned 5 eggs already". Winter said, her tone's scolding the older woman.

"Okay fiance~". Karina said making the younger woman roll her eyes. The two ate after their food was cooked, it was quiet at first not until Karina decided to speak. "Have you ever been into a relationship before?". Winter choked at her food making the older woman panic. Karina hurriedly grab a water and made the younger woman drink it while she rub her back.

"N-no i've never been into a relationship". Karina calm down after Winter answered her worried face was replaced by a teasing smirk. "Please don't open that topic now". Winter said embarrassed, rolling her eyes as she covers her face. "But if you were in a relationship what would you do for the person you like?".

"Well i would treat that person with love and care, give them reassurance that they're the only one i want. I can't promise that we won't fight, for fights and misunderstandings are what makes a relationship stronger. What i meant is that through every single misunderstanding, we should be mature enough to talk and fix things out and not just jumping into conclusions that could end up into hurting one another...I...I will forever cherish the time that we spend with each other". 

Winter showed her puppy like smile making the older woman blush. Karina quickly turned away to hide her blushing face. "What about you Rina what would you do for the person you love?". Karina slowly turned towards Winter's direction and saw the younger woman still smiling as she asked the question. She sighed gazing straight into Winter's eyes. "I'm willing to sacrifice everything for that person".

Karina's POV

You're really like her. "That sounds cliche". I heard Minjeong said followed by her contagious laugher making me laugh too. "I'm serious tho". I said pouting, however this girl only laughed at me again. "You look like a duck when you do that mwhahahaha". I got up from my seat and went to sit next to her. You're gonna pay for calling me a duck. "What are you planning my dear finance?".

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