9. Once again in trouble

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Third Person's POV

As expected, Winter woke up earlier despite the pain and fatigue her body's feeling. When she moved to get up, Karina groaned pulling her closer. The older woman hugged her tightly preventing her from getting out of the bed. Winter chuckled, brushing the hair that's covering the older woman's face before kissing her cheek. "Good morning kitten".

Karina smiled while her eyes are still closed. The sound of the younger woman's morning voice was music to her ears. "Goodmorning jagi. You're getting hard again". (Jagi means 'babe' in korea if you don't know and if you know, then you know. Charot).

Winter blushed as she realized that she's still inside the older woman. She gently pulled making Karina whine at the emptiness she's feeling. Karina rubbed her eyes yawning as she stretched her body. "It's your first day right? We should get ready, i'll take you to school who knows if someone might flirt with you again".

"Yes ma'am". Winter said while doing a salute form, Karina grinned and tickled her side making both of them fall on top of each other on the floor. They both look at each other realizing that they're both naked. The two ended up bursting into a fit of laughter as Karina pinched and squeezed Winter's cheek. "Ouch, okay okay sorry. I won't do it again jagi".

Karina leaned in and kissed her nose also pecking her lips. "Let's take a bath now, you might get late and i might change my mind and not let you go to school anymore". Karina stand's up and pulled the younger woman up with her. Winter wrapped her arms around the older woman's waist and lifted her up bringing her inside the bathroom with her. "You might get late puppy if we do this first". "So be it i guess". Winter answered as she closed the bathroom door.


The two finished taking a bath and is now currently cooking their breakfast. After they ate their food the two went to the garage and got inside the the older woman's car. Winter was a little bit nervous for her first day in college beads of sweat can actually be seen forming on her forehead. The older woman noticed this and tapped her shoulder. "Jagi are you okay?".

Winter nodded. "Just a little nervous and scared i guess?". Karina cupped her cheeks pinching it lightly. "Oh, my puppy is scared?". Karina teased and the younger woman rolled her eyes. "Don't be, and if anyone dares to lay a finger on you, tell me. I'll take care of those people". Winter smiled at the older woman's assurance and they finally drove off to Winter's school.

On their way to the school, Winter looked outside the cars window fascinated by the tall building in which she usually see everyday but still for her, it's an amazing sight. The trees sway as the wind blows the birds flying on the sky and busy people are walking on the streets. She looked at her left side and saw the older woman's calm face while driving.

A smile slowly creep into into Winter's face, what a gorgeous creature she said to herself, and that she's lucky to have the older woman beside her. Winter's hand slowly reached down Karina's thighs squeezing it grabbing the older woman's attention. The traffic lights turned red and Karina turned her head towards the younger woman's direction, whose now looking  outside the cars window.

Karina bit her lip and and held the younger woman's hand while the other was on the steering wheel. The tension is starting to build up as Karina guided Winter's hand near her center. The younger woman noticed it and looked at her then Winter's eyes slowly fell down towards her hands that is held by Karina.

"I'll get late for my first day if we do this now jagi". Karina whined and and focused her attention back at the road. Winter giggled at the older woman's reaction after she got rejected. Finally after thirty minutes of driving they reached the school. The younger woman gulped feeling nervous again.

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