7. *Screams in high pitch*

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I'm back and btw this chapter is a little bit confusing so bear with me okay?

Third Person's POV

When the two girls reached the counter the Karina immediately payed for everything and pulled the younger one towards the car. If she'll stay there for another minute she might not get a hold of herself and kill all those girls that are trying to flirt with Minjeong. "Get in". Karina said coldly and closed the door. She glanced back at the market and scoffed at the girl's who are staring at their direction. "What are you looking at bitches? She's mine so back off".

After that she slammed the door shut and without another word Karina starts the car engine and drove off. The older woman noticed Minjeong's silence so she heaved up a sigh while saying. "Sorry for how i acted earlier it's just...I'm not used to this kind of relationship i don't even know why i get jealous. I'm not usually like this". The older woman said her eyes still fixated on the road.

Minjeong looked at the older woman, a smile already creeping into her face. She placed her hand on Karina's thigh squishing it lightly. "No need to be jealous, im yours right? (From the day you met me in your living room). To be honest i got jealous too earlier, there were guys who also approached you but you didn't push them away like you did to the girl's who approached me".

Minjeong said while looking down, it made Karina happy at the same time guilty. She did entertain those guys to get Minjeong jealous but now, she hates herself for doing that and now Minjeong is sulking. Karina didn't say anything and continued to drive. "Uhh Jimin...We already passed by your house? Where are you driving us to?".

Karina smiled and looked at her. "I can't tell you yet but yeah it's a surprise". Minjeong's brow creased she crossed her hands infront of her chest. "Dont tell me were lost here, Yu Jimin". Just as Minjeong said those words out of her mouth the car halted. "We're here". Karina said, the younger woman looked around and her eyes shined in delight at the sight infront of her.

"Y-you took us to a carnival?". Minjeong asked still shocked by everything. "Yes i decided that i'll made it up for you since i intentionally made you jealous earlier". What an honest answer Minjeong thought, she held the older woman's hand and kissed it. "Thank you, you have no idea how much i want to visit this place. Thank you Jimin and i forgive you for making me jealous earlier. So let's go?".

Karina grabbed Minjeong's face and stealing a kiss from her sweet pink lips. "Let's go!!!". Minjeong shook head because of the older woman's childishness. They both got out of the car and Minjeong held Karina's hand tightly. "Lead the way fiance". Minjeong said as they both laughed at each other.

The two girls had fun eating while playing some games. Karina was sulking because no matter how hard she tries to hit the target, she couldn't hit it. Minjeong looked at her pouting lips before she took the gun from the older woman's hand and aim it at the moving target. A smile plastered on Minjeong's face as she hit the target and won the brown teddy bear that Karina was trying to get earlier. "Here's your teddy bear, now stop sulking you might turn into an ugly kitten".

Karina smiled and hugged the teddy bear tightly. "Thank you puppy. I want to ride that thing over there". Karina pointed towards the rollercoaster. "I thought you'll ride me later, anyways let's go". Karina was stunned at what the younger said her face flushed turning into a light shade of pink. Minjeong pulled her towards the ride paying ng as they sat on the rollercoaster. When the two ride the rollercoaster Karina was screaming at the top of her lungs meanwhile Minjeong's trying her best not to laugh at the older woman.

Karina already hit Celine Dion's high notes because of how loud she screamed while they're riding the rollercoaster. When they both came down Minjeong is already turning red, dying from too much laughter doesn't sound so bad. She looked at Karina's messy hair and shaking legs as she held the older woman so she won't fall. "I-im not riding that thing again...". Minjeong bursted again into laughter holding her stomach at the process.

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