2. Do as i say (M)

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I'm back sorry if it took a long time, i was hesitating upon either publishing this chapter or deleting it because it sucks.

Btw rated (M) scene ahead you've been warned

Winter's POV

I squinted my eyes trying to open them and the moment my hands landed on something soft i know something is wrong. My eyes went wide as i sat on the bed. There beside me laid Karina facing me with her naked body but the weird thing is all my clothes are still intact.

I shrieked and pushed her out of the bed. A loud thud can be heard as she fell on the floor. "What the fuck Kim Minjeong?!". She shouted as she rubbed her ass, whining in pain. "Why the hell are you naked?!".

I said pointing at her body, while my other hand is covering my eyes. I can feel her glaring at me. "You do know im your boss right? I can fire you right now if i want too, always remember that". She said coldly, i gulped putting my hands down as i looked away. Right i needed this job.

"Look ma'am i-im sorry, it's just...It's my first time encountering something like that". She chuckled i hate to admit but that was really cute. "Right, i remember you saying you're a virgin before you pass out on the couch". My blood rushed to my cheeks and im pretty sure i look like a tomato right now.

Karina's POV

It's true. When i was nibbling on her ear earlier, i tried guiding her hands on my waist but i was shocked when i heard her starting to pray. I remember the funny incident earlier, she even said. 'Dear lord forgive me for i have sinned. May my virginity be preserved amen. Unnie im sorry also'.

I almost died laughing at her, realizing she passed out from too much panic. So much for a hot encounter. I decided to carry her to my room and boi was that a mistake. Her weight for a small person wasn't what i expected. I got tired and that's when this things happen but to tell you nothing happened, i just love sleeping naked it's comfortable.

I smirked, then again why not tease her? I walked sensually reaching her position. "But that doesn't mean im done with you". I grabbed the collar of her shirt and pushed her down on the bed. I licked my lips seeing her in a scared state. "Don't worry i don't bite but i can't say the same to you".

I sat on top of her and leaned down to slowly capture her lips, she closed her eyes as my lips approaches hers. However before our lips could even touch i pulled back and pinch her nose. "What a cute puppy". She shot her eyes open, i got up from her and wore my robe back.

"Wear this and i want you to cook me something. You're duty starts now. Now go, i still need to take a bath". I put her uniform on my bed and walked towards the bathroom. "B-but i can't wear this...It's uhm...".

"What it's fine, remember you will follow everything that i say and also im looking forward to you wearing it. Kim Minjeong~". I teased once again as i stepped inside the bathroom.

Third Person's POV

Winter was left dumfounded as she stared at the uniform on the bed. 'There's no way I'll fit in that it's way too small. She's crazy". Winter sighed heavily as she grab the uniform and went out of the room. "Where the fuck am i suppose to wear this? I don't even know where to find the bathroom and damn her for giving me such a hard on".

Winter walked around around the house for almost an eternity and luckily she found an empty room. She opened it and closed the door behind her. The younger woman opened the light switch and her eyes widened at the content of the room. She gulped, no way she's not just crazy she's a sadist. Winter thought to herself hurrying back to the door where she came from.

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