15. The real ending

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Third Person's POV

The sound of babies crying filled the room as the nurses gently put the newly born babies near their mother. The door of the room slowly opened revealing Winter. She walked slowly towards her wife and as soon as she reached the bed her tears flow down the corner of her eyes.

Winter held carried her child on her arms and smiled. She gently caressed the baby's face and looked at her wife sleeping. "You look exactly just like your mom, Karmin". She placed a soft kiss on the baby's cheeks and placed her near Karina's side before carrying the other one.

"He looks exactly like you Minjeong, our little Yuki". Karina said with a low timid voice. Winter smiled as she slowly wiped her tears. "No words can describe how happy i am right now love. I swear to protect and love you three with all my life till the day i die". The older woman chuckled she slowly turned her head to the side and caress her daughter's face.

"Little Minjeong and Karina it is"...

Fast Forward

5years later...

"Yuki Karmin it's time for bed where are you two again?". The raven haired woman ask as she looks for her kids. Karina chucked when she heard a giggle behind the closet. "Oh so you want to play hide and seek with mommy huh, just wait till i find you two". Then Karina pretends to start looking for them until she stops infront of the closet and did a thinking pose.

"So where are my two babies hiding...". The door of the closet burst open as Karina opened it revealing her two kids laughing with each other. "Ahah! Found you two". The raven-haired woman picked up the two and starts to tickle them, the sound of laughter and giggles filling the room.

The brunette saw how the scene unfold and she just leaned near the door watching lovingly as her wife play with their kids. The older woman seemed to notice her presence because she stopped from tickling the two and looked towards her. "Am i interrupting something?".

The brunette asked and Karina shook her head. The older woman stood up and went towards her to hug her and place a kiss on her lips. "Aw papa's stealing mommy from us again". Yuki said frowning while looking at his parents. Both Karina and Winter looked at each other before smiling. Yuki and Karmin calls Winter papa instead of mommy, their reason? Karina is already their mommy . 

They both walked towards their kids and sat beside them. "Who said papa's stealing mommy from you?". The raven-haired asked as she cupped her frowning son's face. "Papa loves us all okay? Papa isn't stealing mommy from you okay now let's wash you before going to bed you two have school tomorrow".

Karina then place a kiss on her son's cheek making him smile. Yuki looked towards Winter and hugged her. "Sorry papa". He whispered the younger woman smiled as she caressed her son's back. "Papa loves you, always and Karmin too". Winter pulled her daughter beside them and hugged both her kids before placing a kiss on their forehead.

"Now go take a bath you two stink HAHAHA". The brunette laughed, her two kids then follow their mom inside the bathroom so they can wash. Giggles and laughter as well as the sound of water splashing can be heard inside the bathroom.


"Papa can you tell us a story?". Karmin asked as Winter placed the blanket on her. "Yes papa please tell us a story". Yuki followed after his sister. "But you two have school tomorrow won't mommy get mad if you stay up late?". The brunette asked making both her kids frown. Winter sighed in defeat. "Fine papa will tell you two a story, but after this you go to sleep okay?". The two kids nodded happily.

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