10. Uh oh... (M)

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Winter's POV

"Oh i'm here alright". My body shivered as i turned to look at her, there she was standing infront of us with eyebrows raised, hands crossed infront of her chest and anger visibility written on her face. "This place about blow like shit...". I told to myself. I immediately got up and went towards her. "K-karina jagi w-what are you doing here? I thought you're at work".

I asked nervously, she glared at me and i knew talking back to her won't resolve anything. "Who is she? Are you one those new substitute teachers for this year? The headmasters room is on that way incase you're lost". Karina scoffed as she made her way towards Lia. I followed behind her like a lost kid and held her hand while i shake my head.

"Let my hand go Minjeong, these girls needs to be taught a lesson on how to keep their boundaries and know how to put their hands away from what's mine". Lia's eyebrows raised as she stood up from her seat crossing her arms infront of her chest challenging Karina. I looked back at Giselle trying to ask for help, however this girl decided that filming this entire scene was a good thing to do and even gave me a thumbs up. I can't with her anymore.

"Mine? I don't see your name imprinted on her face. So how can you say that she's yours? And a teacher claiming a student infront of everyone else is a disgusting move, Ms. Whoever you are". I thought Karina will slap her so i closed my eyes awaiting for the scene to unravel, but to my surprise Karina grabbed one of the announcers mic and smirked as she put the mic infront of her.

"Testing 1 2 3, oh there we go. Listen up all the students that are studying in this school. My name is Yu Jimin known as Karina and i'm the owner of this school. I only have one reminder for those who are planning on touching, no, get near my fiance Kim Minjeong. I'll expell you or either i'll drag you to hell with me are we all clear!". All the students were stunned including me, they all nodded their heads and went back to what they're doing. Karina casually claiming me infront of everyone is such a major turn on.

"Now you girly, get your hands off my fiance if not, i'll cut them do you understand? Now scram!". Lia nodded and along with her group they went out of the cafeteria. Karina caressed her long black hair and turned to face me. I gulped soon as i saw her smile. No, she wouldn't right? She went near me and hugged me tightly, i sighed in relief not until she said.

"We'll have a talk later at home jagi. And if this happens again, i'm telling you, you'll miss having your buddy down there do you get me?".

Third Person's POV

Winter was left frozen in her place she didn't even realized that the older woman kissed her cheeks before driving off. As expected what happened earlier in the cafeteria became a hot topic. No one dares to approach or even give Winter a spare of glance, afraid that they might get expelled just like what Karina said.

Their first day was chaotic and very tiring it's only the first day yet the teachers are already rushing the students giving them pile a pile of homeworks before dismissing their classes. "Finally!!! The day is finished!". Giselle said stretching her back making the sound of bones cracking.

"So your girlfriend's o, fiance's gonna fetch you here?". Minjeong nodded waiting patiently for the older woman. Not long after Karina's car can be seen approaching the two. "Your fiance's here, i guess it's time for me to go home too. Drive safe on your way home okay? And Winter, tell me all the sexy details tomorrow".

Winter's face turned red, she tries to chase Giselle but the japanese girl was already out of sight. What a pervert she says to herself. When she turned around a girl whose also running bumped directly into her, causing them to fall while the girl stumble on top of Winter.

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