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3 months later...

I like fast-forwards so yeah...

Winter's POV

"Goodmorning love". I said kissing her forehead her eyes fluttered half open. Her cat eyes turned into crescent ones as she smiled. "Goodmorning to you too jagi". I turned around and placed the tray on the table, i panicked as soon as i heard her groan out in pain. I immediately went to her side and held her waist. "Hey are you okay? Is there something wrong?".

She shaked her head and put her hand on her forehead. "I'm fine jagi, im just feeling a little...sore and tired". It's my turn to smile she looked at me and smacked my shoulders. "Yah! Is there something funny?". She said and her lips turned into a pout. "Sorry sorry, here drink this after you eat it will uhm, help you lessen the pain you're feeling. I'll take a bath first okay i might get late for school". She nodded."Okay thank you jagi".

After a few minutes i finished showering and i went out of the bathroom, i looked towards Karina she's currently back to sleeping again. I went beside her and checked her temperature. She doesn't have a fever maybe she's just too tired because of what happened yesterday. "Stinky". She said putting her hand on her nose as she looked at me with a scrunched up nose.

My eyebrows furrowed as i smelled myself, i definitely don't smell bad infact i even used her perfume on my uniform. "What do you mean love i just finished taking a bath". When i tried to hug her she pushed me away. "No no don't come near me Minjeong y-you're stinky and your scent is making me dizzy". Okay im confused right now, maybe she's smelling herself here not me. "Maybe it's you love, you haven't taken a bath yet remember". I chuckled.

"No it's not me Minjeong it's really you omg. Please change your uniform your classmates might also smell you and tell you that you stink". She said putting both her hands on her nose. I stood up and was about to change my uniform but suddenly an idea came into my mind that made me stop could it be...







Karina might have lost her sense of smell. "Wait here jagi im going downstairs okay?". She nodded, i opened the door and went downstairs to her guard Yeji. "Hi Yeji goodmorning". She smiled and looked at me up and down. "Goodmorning i got to say you look amazing in your uniform Winter". I blushed a little im not really used to compliments. "Can i ask you a favor?". Her cat eyes became curious. "Sure what is it?".

I'm a little embarrassed to say this but here we go. "Do you think i smell...bad?". She stared at me with a blank expression before bursting into laughter. Yeji went near me and sniffed the scent of my uniform. "Totally not and i have to say you smell exactly like Ms. Karina". See even she agrees then why does Karina keep on telling me that i stink. "Thanks for answering Yeji i'll be going back now".

"Wait Winter does Ms. Karina... You know what nevermind what i just said earlier you can go back now". I'm curious to what she's going to say but if she doesn't want to tell me than i won't force her. I opened the bedroom door and saw Karina coming out of the bathroom. She picked up her perfume and tried spraying it on her hand when she smelled it she almost puke. "What the fuck is this perfume a fucking skunks gas?".

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