Chapter Twenty Three~ Decision-

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I layed there for hours... tears just dripping down my face. Praying it wasn't true. Hoping with everything i had in me.. that she was alive. That it was all some sick joke. That maybe this was a nightmare.. and i would wake up soon.. and when i did... everything would be okay. 

Finally though, the boys woke up, one by one, to find me staring out the window, lifeless and depressed. They didn't dare try to talk to me. Knowing i would legit rip their heads off.  I held back sobs and reduced them to desperate whimpers. 

I could feel their gazes on my back, watching me, sending me pitiful glances. The thing is, i didn't want their pity, i just wanted my friend back. 

 I'm not sure how long i sat there, not moving, not talking, just sitting there. Suddenly, i felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and whirled around to come face to face with worried blue eyes.

Quietly, he said, "Alice, the funeral... it's in two days. Do you want to go?" 

I nodded silent.

"Um... Lou." Liam cleared his throat.


"Um.. you and Zayn still have to record... and it has to be done before the end of the week.. you won't have time to take her..." 

I felt my stomach drop. More tears sprung to my eyes.

"I'll take her." A deep voice interjected quickly.

Everyone looked over at Harry shocked. He was leaning against the door frame casually. A dark black v-neck on. His skinny jeans hanging slightly low and very tight. His eyebrow was quirked up in confusion of as why everyone seemed so surprised. His pink plump lips were slightly parted.

Louis was the first to speak, "No." 

I looked at him furious, "Louis!" 

He sighed and turned to me, taking my hand, "Alice.. i dont want you going anywhere without me." 

I ripped my hand away from him, "That's not fair! I wasn't even there for her when... when..." I shook my head, "You have to let me go!" 

He sighed, "Alice-"

Zayn cut him off, "Mate, you owe her. If Harrys willing to take her... let him." He shrugged.

Louis ran his hands threw his hair and i shot him a hopeful look.

"Please?" I whispered, "please Lou?" 

He sighed, "Fine... but! But! But i want you to call me every hour on the hour!" 

I gave him and exasperated look as he continued, "Also, you'd better not try to run."

I sighed.

He continued, "I'm serious Alice. No running. And if you do, you are in serious trouble. Got it?"

I nodded wearily, not sure if i would really obey that rule.

He sighed again. And suddenly, i was enveloped in a tight hug. His arms wrapping around my entire body. He placed his head on top of mine and said, "Everything i do, i do because you're my sister, and i love you. You know that right?" 

I nodded silently and slowly, he let go of me. 

Harry cleared his throat and we turned to him, "So, how exactly are we going to get there?" 

Timidly i spoke up, "Where exactly are we?" 

Niall spoke for the first time that day, "Still the United Kingdom...but we're in the North now."  

I sighed, "And Ammie lives.. lived in the South part." 

Liam sighed, "I highly doubt you'll be able to get plane tickets at such a short notice... you'll have to drive." 

Zayn nodded, "You could get a rentle car." 

Louis sighed, "I'll go make a couple calls." 

I looked over at Harry, it was decided, i would drive threw England with a cheeky boybander. Oh Joy.

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