Chapter four~ Just wanna go home-

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Harry's P.O.V.

Alice had been asleep for nearly a week now. Louis was completely devestated. We had to practcially drag him to our concert yesterday, since he didn't want to leave her. It was amazing that he barely knows her... but loves her so much. 

I frequently go into her room and watch her as she sleeps, creey Cullen yeah... but she looked so peaceful asleep. It was awful seeing her so scared and watching her freak out... because of us. I would stroke her long brown hair and trace my fingers down her jawline. I was dieing for her to open her bright blue eyes, just so i could look into them.

I could hear Louis screaming at Liam... again. After a couple minutes, it quieted down and i went to Alice's room to see if Lou was okay.

"Hey Boobear, how?-" I started, but cut off.

Alice was sitting up, mingled in with disbelief was confused all across her face. Louis was crouched down in front of her as he gripped her hand.

"Louis, I think that you have the wrong girl." She said, her voice shaking.

He shook his head, "Alice, i'm absolutely positive. The blood test, duh."

She sighed, "Okay, I believe you... but i'm still a little confused on the why you kidnapped me."

"We couldn't just ask you to get your blood work done."

"Yes you could have."

"You wouldn't have gone... and besides... you would never stay... here."

"What do you mean stay here?" She asked, pulling her hand out of his and rising to her feet.

"Alice, you living with us now." He said.

"What? Why?" She looked panicked.

My heart went out to her.

"Because, you cut Alice! You're suicidal! You tried starving youself! Your parents can't handle you anymore! I won't ket my little sister die!" He yelled, standing to his feet as well.

"I'm seventeen! I can take care of myself! And btw i don't even know you! You can't just take me from my life, my friends, my parents! I won't stay here!" She never once raised her voice, but she said it with just as much force as if she had.

I fliched myself.

Louis sighed, "Well, you have to."

"Your not going to stop me from leaving." She shook her head.

"Yes, I am. Alice, we kidnapped you, okay? Your not leaving! As far as you know, you can't! End of story!" 

She glared up at him, then, burst into tears. I was shocked and Lou obviously was as well. He pulled her into a hug, but she pushed away from him and ran out the door.

Louis eye's met mine and i knew what had to be done. I chased after her, running threw the apartment, i grabbed her just as she reached the front door. I clasped my hand around her wrist. This was awful, i felt so wrong. Doing this felt so wrong, but i knew it was for the best.

She cried harder, my heart constricted. I pulled her into my arms, then picked her up so her legs were wrapped my waist and her arms around my neck. Her head nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

Suprisingly enough, she didn't pull away. Liam, Zayn, and Niall were watching from the stairs looking guilty.

"Please Harry! Just let me go! I just want to go home!" She cried.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry."

"P- pl-please, please! I won't do it ever again! Please, just let me go home to my parents..." I held her shaking body closer.

Kidnapped by ONE DIRECTION! (a One Direction fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now