Chapter eight~ I'M GOING WHERE?!?!?!-

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Hey Guys!!!

Sorry it's been so long since i updated!

I just had a bit of writers block

Ya know, i left the last chapter on this cliffhanger and then i'm like now what?


I do the weirdest things

So, not that you care... but last night i watched The Notebook for the first time, it was pretty predictiable, but seriously i was crying the ENTIRE movie! I cried like seriously an hour after it ended. If you haven't seen it, you NEED to watch it. It is absolutely adorable, its just an amazing storyline, and the characters have so much chemistry and their relationship is this love hate thing that is so cute! It's just really good:) <3


Thanks for reading!

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I love that little & symbol!



Hope you enjoy this chappie!!

Lot's Of Love,

-Marisa <3 


Alice's P.O.V.

I woke up shivering.

I pulled the blanket closer around myself, hoping to find warmth in them... with no such luck.

Then my eyes flew open as i toke in the room around me. What happened? I groaned as i recalled the events from earlier.

My eyes landed on a figure sitting next to the bed.

"Louis?" I asked.

His bright blue eyes studied me closely.

Then he sighed and ran a hand threw his hair.

"Why did you try to leave Alice?" He asked.

I looked down and started playing with my hands.

"I- i'm sorry Lou."

"Please just answer the question."

"Because Lou, i just want to go home."

He stood to his feet and paced across the room.

"Why can't you see that i care about you! That i'm trying to help you here! Why can't you be like any other normal girl would be and be happy that you found your long lost brother?!" He asked angrily.

"I- I'm sorry that i can't be a 'normal' girl! I'm sorry that i can't just sit here and pretend like this isn't wrong!" I cried standing to my feet as well, tears streaming down my cheeks.

But despite the tears, i was angry as well.

He shook his head in disbelief.

"The only thing that's wrong here is you!!" He yelled.

I broke down right there. I literally broke down. I sat on the floor and clutched my legs to my chest, burried my face in my knees and sobbed.

 Louis's P.O.V.

She just broke down in front of my eyes. I reached a hand out to comfort her, but pulled it back. She didn't want me touching her. I was the one that caused this.

I stood there unsure of what to do.

"Alice, i didn't mean that!" I cried.

She didn't respond, she only cried harder. 

Kidnapped by ONE DIRECTION! (a One Direction fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now