Chapter seven~ Freedom at last!...i think-

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Alice's P.O.V.

Plan goes into operation when everyone heads to bed. After we got back, we all curled up on the couch and watched a scary movie, which was sure to help with my plan. Everyone headed to bed and Louis walked me to my room. I pretended to be scared.

"Louis, will you sleep with me tonight? I'm really freaked out!" I asked him.

He smiled, "Sure, lemme just go get changed."

"No! Don't leave me here alone!" I cried, grabbing his arm.

He laughed a bit. I glared at him.

"Okay, okay. Crawl into bed ickle wickle Alice poo." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him, but, obediently, i pulled myself under the covers. He pulled his pants off.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shrieked.

"Calm down, i'm wearing shorts on under my pants." He laughed at me.


"Yeah oh..." 

I felt him slip in next to me and he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest. Louis really was a good brother, maybe this was a bad idea... NO, they KIDNAPPED you! For crying out loud! 

 I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, pretending to be asleep. Soon i felt his body relax next to mine and i smiled. When i knew for sure he was deeply sleeping. I crawled out of the bed and crept over to his pants on the ground. I pulled the keys to the front door ans smirked in the dark.

I glanced back at him and whispered, "I'm sorry." at his sleeping figure.

Then, i carefully and quietly walked out of the room and towards the front door. YES YES YES! I might actually make it out of here, and for a minute, i allowed myself a chance to hope that i would in fact be free. 

I knew that it could be much worse but nonetheless it was still kidnapping. These walls were still iron gates trapping me off from the world, keeping me prisoner in a castle.

My hands were shaking as i slipped the key into the lock and turned it, smiling as i heard the sharp click.

"Alice wait!" Someone yelled.

I allowed myself a glance at him, It was Harry. But then, i was off. I ran out the door, crap there were a bunch of hallways to take in this apartment complex. I saw a sign for stairs and i ran down it quickly. When i got to the ground floor, i flung the door open to find i was in a parking lot. I ran into the cold night and debated on whether to go left or right. I opted for left, and i ran like hell, all the while thinking 'i'm free bitches!'

Harry's P.O.V.

I saw Alice standing by the open door and i called for her to stop but she ran anyways. I mentally slapped myself, did i really think she'd listen? Nahh.

Anyways, i chased her out of the apartment and ran after her threw the parking lot. She never once glanced back, not once. After a while, i was getting really tired and since i seemed closer to her than before i figured she was getting tired too. I wondered if she thought i was still chasing her. I hope not, because that would give me an advantage.

It started raining, and it was freezing, and dark. Luckily, i had a coat. I'm guessing Alice didn't. She slowed down to a walk and leaned against the brick wall. I moved behind a building so that she couldn't see me. Then i crept around the back, so that when i got to the other side i would be in the direction she was running to. 

When i arrived there, i saw her leaning against the wall still. Her eyes open, she was shaking from the cold. I wanted to go over and help her, but i knew she'd only run upon seeing me.

Then as i watched her, she dropped to the ground. I ran over to her, she was literally freeazing. I had to get her out of here, before she died. DAMMIT! WHY WAS IT SO COLD IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER? WHY?!

I blammed Zayn, why? Because, i could.

I toke my coat off and wrapped her in it, watching as her dark hair spilled out of it, her long lashes slighly flickering open.

I know she processed who i was because she said, "Pl-pl-ease, do-on't ta-ake me-ee ba-ack th--errrrrrre."

I picked her up and craddled her to my chest. I saw a tear roll down her face as her eyes drooped shut. I ran as quickly as i could for the apartment, needing to get her into the warmth.

When i did get there, i was out of breathe and as soon as i walked into the apartment, Louis was there, pulling Alice from my arms. The other guys stood there as well.

"What happened to her?" Louis exclaimed worriedly.

"She tried to run away and nearly ended up freezing to death." I told him.

He sighed, stroking her hair he said, "I'm going to change her into something warm, thanks for getting her back Harry."

I gave me a tight smile, "No problem." 


Louis's P.O.V.

After i changed Alice into something warm, i tucked her under the covers of her bed. Why did she have to insist in leaving? Didn't she like being with me?

Weeeelll, Louis, you are holding her against her will. A voice told me.

I ignored it.

It was for her safety.

I was doing this for her.

Don't judge me.

I sighed as i walked out of her room and locked her in. We were leaving for England tomorrow night, and i had yet to tell her. She would definetly not go without a fight. I ran a hand threw my hair. If she attracted attention in an airport that would NOT be good. But how could we get her in the plane without her causing a scene? 

I knew of a way, but i really hoped i hadn't had to go that far.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

I'll probably be writing A LOT now, because,  schools over, and exams are over! Yay! I think i passed them:) Haha.

 Anyways, read on:)

Lot's of love,

-Marisa <3

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