Chapter three~ Kidnapper say whaaat?-

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Alice's P.O.V.

"How do you know my name?" I asked again, rising to my feet.

Louis sighed, "Why don't we talk in the other room?"

I followed wearily, the guys walking around me.

Looking around the flat, it was not what i expected. It was just a normal flat, nothing expensive or flashy about it.

We sat down at a round wooden table in the dining area. Louis, Harry, and Liam across from me and Zayn and Niall on either side of me.

Liam rose to his feet right after he sat down saying, "I'll go make some tea." And gave a meaningful look at Louis.

Louis nodded.

Hmmm, what was going on there?

"Alice," Louis started, "It wasn't a random kidnapping."

I stared at him, "You mean, you like... planned to kidnap me?"

He nodded.

"But... why?" I asked.

"Well, I was getting to that."

I nodded, for him to continue.

"Oh, and don't worry your parents know your safe." Niall interupted.

I crinkled my forehead, "How? Did you guys like... call them?"

Louis smiled.

"Well... what did you say?"

"I believe that's between your parents and I." He said, smirking slightly.

I sighed, "Anyways, why did you kidnap me?"

"Well, we've been watching you for a couple of months now..." Louis trailed off.


He ignored the question, "And well, we saw... what you did."

I gasped, pulling my sleeves down. He knew, they knew. They were the ones that called the ambulance. Nobody could figure out who had left the anonymous phone call.

"You were the ones who called for help?" I asked.

Louis nodded, "Why would you do that to yourself?"

I looked away, "Don't pretend to care."

He frowned, but didn't say anything.

Just then, Liam arrived with six cups of tea. There were five grey ones and one purple. He handed me the purple.

"I know purple's you favorite color, so there you go." He smiled.

I didn't even want to know how they knew that.

I took the cup and took a sip, wincing from the overintoxicating flavor.

"Sorry, i suck at honey." He told me.


"I'm not pretending." Louis said.

"Suuure, Louis all you guys are, are some creepy stalker kidnappers, who refuse to tell me why i'm here!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air.

I took sips of the tea in between my ends of the conversation.

"Not stalkers." Niall mumbled.

"Really? Then what would you call yourselves?" I asked him.

He looked at me with big eyes and i sighed wearily.

Harry stood up looking at Liam but talking to me, "You should head back to bed."

"But, i just woke up." I was confused.

I stood up anyways, but nearly collapsed when a wave of fatigue hit me.

I stumbled back, Harry put a firm hand on my shoulder.

Dizzy, so dizzy, everything was becoming a blur. What had-? The tea! Dammit!! Those arses drugged me! 

My knees collapsed and Harry pulled his hands around my waist grabbing me before i fell to the ground. He half dragged half carried me down the hall.

Everything was so hazy, i felt unfocused and confused. My eyes were slipping shut, i willed them open, but they drooped down anyways.

Harry seemed to think better of the dragging and just picked me up in his arms bride style. One arm hung out and i feebly tried to grab the door frame as he carried me into the room, but he pulled it off without any effort. 

Just as my eyes slipped shut for the last time, i remember dropping the tea cup as it clattered to the ground.


I woke up screaming as i felt something sharp peirce my arm. I tried to sit up, but someone held me down. I tried waking off whatever was on my arm, but someone grabbed my hand and pulled it away. I toke in my surroundings Liam was bent over my arm. Zayn and Harry held me down. Niall was comforting a crying Louis in the corner. 

Why was he crying? What were they doing to me?

Then, Liam stood from his bent position and seemed satisfied. He had a vial in his hand, filled with... red liquid. I felt dizy thinking about the blood in there.

He toke out some cloth and folded it into a small square and put it over my arm, tying it on with tape. Zayn and Harry let go of me.

"How did she even wake up?" Zayn asked.

Liam shrugged, "Dunno, that should've held her under longer."

I lay on the bed, too tired to move, too scared to sleep.

They filed out of the room, except for Louis, who walked over to me.

He sat at the chair next to the bed. 

"Go back to sleep, it's all over now." He said soothingly while running his fingers threw my hair.

Too tired to object i fell back into a deep sleep.


I would wake up, then immediately fall back asleep. I didn't know exactly how long this went on for.

This time was different, i woke to yelling.


"I just underestimated the strength okay? She'll be fine."

"FINE? FINE? IT'S BEEN A WEEK! A WEEK! AND NOW, WE KNOW FOR SURE THAT SHE'S WHO WE THOUGHT SHE WAS! NOW WHAT? HMMM???!!!!!" It was Louis who was screaming, that much i knew.

I opened my eyes and saw Louis and Liam by the foot of my bed arguing.

"L- l- lou- is?" I asked, suprised to find my throat extremely dry.

His face turned from anger to concern as he rushed over and handed me a glass of water from the bedside table.

I drank it slowly. He watched me the entire time.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I ignored the question, "Did- did you- you drug me?" I asked, about to cry.

He regretfully nodded.

"And- and ta-take my... my.. my blood?"

He looked down.

"Why?" My voice was cracking.

He put his hands on either side of my face.

"We were trying to see if you and I were maybe... related."

I stared into his bright eyes blankly, "Like siblings?"

He nodded.


"We are."


"Alice, your my sister and I'm your brother."


Kidnapped by ONE DIRECTION! (a One Direction fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now