Chapter one ~ Gone -

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HEYYYY!!! I'm writing a 1D fanfiction besides this as well... AND i love writing it! I do! BUT i got so interested in 1D fanfictions like this... you know where the main character gets kidnapped by One Direction. ALSO, she's kidnapped for the same reason A LOT of girls are in these fanfictions. BUT I AM NOT TRYING TO COPY ANYONES STORYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PINKIE PROMISE!! BUT its kind of hard to come up with another reason why she would be kidnapped...

Aaaaaaannd, now you think imma weirdo...

Well, your reading this aren't you? :P

Haha, whatever...

Hope you enjoy this!

Lot's of love,

-Marisa <3


Alice's P.O.V.

It started off like any other day, really, really... normal. Thinking back, that just sounds weird, normal. Nothing's normal anymore. Not since I got kidnapped by One Direction. I guess your confused, sorry. I'll start from the top.

My parents were out of the house, i didn't have any siblings, i was an only child, which was kind of depressing. It was a Saturday, not that the day mattered... since it was Summer. Still, Saturdays are my lazy day so i just threw on some dark jeans and a grey hoodie, not bothering with hair or makeup, no one was going to see me.

I was bored of flicking through books i'd already read and decided to watch a movie. I rushed over to the DVD player and slipped in the movie Gone with Amanda Seyfred (AN: Sorry if its spelled wrong.) I seriously LOVED that movie, it was so disturbing, but had this awesome story line and amazing actors. 

As the previews began, the movie started to skip. I toke it out and saw that it was all scraped up. Sigh, now what? There was a store right down the street I could just buy another copy of it, it take me about ten minutes to get there by walking, but thats only if i went down that alley... 

Whatever, i'm not scrared. I've gone down that alley a million times and i'm fine. I decided to go. I walked out the door, throwing on some converse on my way out. I didn't bother to lock the door. I got to the store absolutely fine, payed for the movie and headed home... that's when things got complicated.

I had been walking for about... five minutes when i noticed a white van had been following me. I eyed it nerbously as i sped up. The car speradically stopped and five guys in masks jump out. I barely glance at them before i'm running at full speed for my house.

I know they're chasing after me, i hear their footsteps against the ground. I don;t look back. There's pain in my side from running, i'm out of breath, and my heart is jumping around frantically, but i don't care. I CANNOT get kidnapped, i block out all other thoughts except, 'don't get caught.' Because, if they can't catch me they can't kidnapped me.

Thankfully, i get out of the alley. BUT, i live in a pretty sketchy neighborhood, so i doubted i'd get any help from my neighbors. Minutes later, my dark house came into view and i sprinted up the door step two at a time. 

They were still right behind me. I ran into the house and tried slamming the door shut, but a hand stopped it from closing. I pushed against the door with all my weight, but they were stronger and easily they pushed the door open, while i was sliding against the ground.

One figure walked in, looking me up and down, the other... four trailing in behind him. I jump to my feet and run as fast as i can, feeling air rush by me as an arm attempted, but failed to grab me. I ran through the hallway, opened the nearest door i could and shut it behind me, unluckily, there was no lock. 

I pulled my cell from my pocket, why hadn't i thought of that sooner. As i dialled 9-1-1, i glanced around the room, to find myself in a closet, very cliche.

"Hello, what's yur emergency?" A female voice asked.

"Please, help, there's five men in my house!" I whispered.

I heard footsteps getting closer.

"Your name and location?"

"Al-lice Grace and i'm at-" I started, but was cut off.

The door was ripped open, and the guys dark brown eyes widened as he wrestled the phone from my hand.

"No! Please! Please! HELP!" I cried at the phone, that now lay broken on the ground.

He toke a step closer and i backed up into all the coats and fell backwards onto the ground.  He was bending down to pick me up and i saw the opportunity. I crawled under his legs fast as i rushed into the hall. Then, i crashed into someone else's chest, someone who also had much lighter brown eyes.

He grabbed one of my wrists.

"Li!" The dark eyed guy from behind me sighed with relief.

"You good, Zayn?" 'Li' asked.

The dark eyed boy nodded.

We were in the hallway and close to the wall, where right besides me a vase sat on a small table. As the two guys exchanged these words, i inched my free hand closer and grabbed the vase hitting the unsuspecting 'Li'. He staggered back and let go of me.

I ran past the shattered glass on the floor and to the living room. I grabbed the baseball bat from when i used to play and made my way towards the door. It was eeirly silent.

Someone jumped in front of me, as i swung, i looked into their bright blue eyes. He grabbed the bat as i swung, wincing at the impact of it on his hand. He then proceeded to rip the bat from my arms.

"Get away from me, you RAPIST!!!!!" I screamed as he walked closer to me.

He froze looking slightly confused and i toke the oppurtunity to run. Someone grabbed my wrist though, they were slightly shorter with light blue eyes. I kicked him hard in the shin and he shriek letting go. 

I didn't get the chance to even try to run this time. Because, someone grabbed my waist from behind. Pulling my arms back with me.

I screamed, kicking at the air as my legs were lifted off the ground.

"Shh sweetheart... we're not going to hurt you." A soothing and husky voice was at my ears.

It only had the opposite effect instead of calming me down, i freaked out even more. It was sick, disgusting, they were going to kidnap me and do whatever they wanted with me. The very thought brought tears to my eyes.

My back was to his chest and i struggled against him, but he only held me tighter. I nearly passed out from his grip, seeing black spots dance in front of my eyes.

He roughly dragged me from the room, out the door just as the white van pulled up... how cliche. He must've had a hard time holding me like this, because, next thing i know, i'm over his shoulder. I scream and kick and punch him. But he seems unfazed by my feeble attempts. I'm thrown into the back of the trunk.

I fall and i try to stand up, but someone pulls me back to the ground. I'm laying in between their legs. His hands pushing my arms to the ground, his legs wrapped around my own. And his head just above mine. Another one of the guys, with the dark eyes walks over and secures hand cuffs and some of the pressure of the guy holding me down releases.

I feel five pairs of eyes watching me, well , four, since one was driving. Glancing over, the guy wrapped around me had sea green blue eyes. He pulls his arm around my waist.

It all is just too much, i can't take it. As i pass out, my last thought is, 'ironic that i was about to watch Gone...'

But then it fades, because, suddenly, i'm well... gone.

Kidnapped by ONE DIRECTION! (a One Direction fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now