Chapter two~ Kid- freak'en- napped!-

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Alice's P.O.V.

I kept my eyes shut when i woke i up, scared to see what i might find. I was laying on something hard and uneven. I immediately heard people talking.

"Do you think she's okay?"

"Why did we do this?"

"You know why Nialler."

"It's just wrong, Li!"

"I know..."

"Are you okay Lou?"

"Yeah...Hazza, is she still asleep?"

"I don't know... Should i wake her?"

Now what? Do i keep my eyes closed or reveal to them that i'm awake.

I didn't hear a response so they must've nodded or something because then there were lips at my ears.

"Hey sweetheart, wake up." They whispered.

Slowly, i opened my eyes. My head was laying on someones lap, my legs on someone else. I gasped in shock and fell off of them and into the hard ground. It burt when i pounded against it, but ignored the pain in my side. Looking around we were still in the van, but now we were sitting on seats... well i was on the ground.

All eyes turned to me, and i scuttled backwards hitting the back of a seat as i did. I was freaking out! This was a dream all a dream, i would wake up on the couch and find out i fell asleep watching Gone. Yes, that was it! But, i knew it wasn't true...

I was terrified of what they would do to me, so terrified that i felt tears drip down my cheeks.I didn't look at them, just the ground. I wasn't ready to see their faces.

Someones hand pushed my chin up, so my eyes would meet theirs. His eyes were a beautiful green blue, like the ocean.

"Why are you crying?" He asked softly brushing tears from my eyes.

I flinched from his touch and he frowned.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, willing my tears away.

He just stared closer at me, "Do you know who we are?"

I looked closer at all of them and gasped. Of course I knew! They were One Direction. Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and the boy looking into my eyes was Harry.

I knew my eyes widened in shock. Why would One Direction kidnap me? I was exremely confused at this moment. I didn't think they were going to rap me anymore, i mean, seriously, they could screw any girl they wanted to...

So that left the question... why?

"You a fan?" Zayn asked.

I met his eyes, "Not anymore."

They looked a bit hurt. Oh well. They kidnapped me, they deserved to be hurt.

I was proud of myself for not fangirling, probably because, i was absolutely NOT a fan, not after THIS!

"What do you want?" I asked again.

They all exchanged nervous glances.

"Umm, umm.. umm, weeeeeell, we were playing truth or dare and one of us got dared by another one of us to kidnap someone... so uh... here we are." Louis stuttered, obviously lying.

"Which one of you?"

They all yelled out different names at once and i raised an eyebrow.

Why wouldn't they tell me the real reason instead of hiding it, covering the truth.

Kidnapped by ONE DIRECTION! (a One Direction fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now