Chapter nine~ Don't spare me what you think and tell me a lie-

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First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has read this:)

It's gotten in the thousands of reads and i cannot express how happy i am:)

I never imagined that this would happen:)

I am simply estatic:)



I would also like to thank everyone who has commented and voted!

It means soo much!

Sorry it toke so long to update, my sister just graduated and there was the ceremony and stuff and I just had a bunch of crap going on:)


without further a due

here is chapter eight!

Lot's Of love,

-Marisa <3



I woke up and saw Niall in my room, going threw my clothing.

"Niall?" I asked.

His head shot up and he looked at me with alarmed blue eyes.

"What are you doing?" I wondered.

He looked around the room for an escape as i looked at him questionally.

"Umm, packing your stuff?" The statement sounded like a question.

"Uh why?" I asked.

"Because were taking you home." He sighed.



chapter eight-

Alice's P.O.V.

"What?" I asked Niall confused.

"Umm, umm, umm." He stuttered. 

Just then the door opened up to reveal Louis.

He must've seen my confused expression, because he turned to Niall and said, "What did you say to her?"

"I- um- uh, gotta go!" He stuttered and ran out of the room, my bag in tow.

He turned to me and said, "Alice, i'm sorry about what i said to you earlier."

I looked down and said, "No, Lou. Everything you said was true."

He shook his head, "No, i was just mad. Listen, i know that your going threw a rouch patch at the moment, but everything will be okay, okay?"

I nodded. "Lou, i'm sorry that i'm outting so much stress on you."

"Nah, don't worry about it." He smiled, "Your my sister, your meant to put stress on me."

I laughed.

"Soo, i guess Niall told you that we were taking you home." Louis started.

"Yeah... why?" I asked.

He looked nervous as he said, "Well, your right. We are keeping you closed off from the world and you need to be back in the real world if your going to get better."

Why did i get the feeling that he was lying?

"Okay thanks Lou." I smiled.

He gave a weak one back.

Kidnapped by ONE DIRECTION! (a One Direction fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now