Chapter 0: Remembering if I won/lost

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*A/N - I made some updates to this chapter to make it more in tune with more current chapters.


Blue......a color that emphasizes serenity and coolness. The color also comes off as calm and soothing and spreads across as far as the eye can see. 

That was all that Sora could see when he opened his eyes. The clear beautiful blue sky with a scarcity of clouds was all Sora could see. Taking a couple of deep breaths trying to calm down and check to see if everything was intact, Sora realized that he was on his back floating on the surface of the ocean which was in contrast to the final world where his feet could stand on the water without falling in. 

Sora closed his eyes and began to process everything that had happened to him after saving Kairi and taking her back to Destiny Islands. Sitting on the paopu fruit tree talking to Kairi telling her.......sigh.......oh boy. Sora couldn't remember what it was that he said to Kairi right before he disappeared. 

Not wanting to hurt his head trying to remember, Sora then remembered waking up in the final world again only this time it was nighttime, and the stars could be seen reflecting off the surface of the water. A beautiful sight that could one staring for a long time. However, Sora remembered checking to see if anything was missing and began recalling his encounter with the fictional yet real person, Yozora. Traveling through different worlds and encountering various types of people was something Sora had become accustomed to, however, meeting a character from a video game was something he was not prepared for. Sora then remembers vividly the interaction between Yozora and how he had accused Sora of using a fake someone else's name which did not make any sense. 

Given the endless questions, Sora had for Yozora, their conversation ended just as fast as it began leaving the two on the roof of a circular building that had once been on his station of awakening and then transformed into a building located within a metropolis city that Sora had never been to before. 

However, the thing Sora does remember in great detail was what Yozora had said to him before the two started fighting, "I accidently wandered into this place, and went through some trials. Then, I was told to 'Save Sora'".

Without a minute to even process what Yozora had said, he activated a sword to his left side and immediately shot several red beams at Sora who barely had time to block the beams coming straight towards him. Once he had blocked the three beams with his keyblade, Sora rolled out of the way and got into his battle stance ready to take on Yozora.

But alas, that's where Sora's memory recollection had decided to stop. 

Shaking his head several times there was just no way Sora could remember what happened next right after he got into his defensive stance ready to strike back at Yozora. Starting to become frustrated, Sora started to grimace and put his right hand on his head sighing quite loudly with defeat behind his tone of voice. 

"There's no point in trying to remember. Whatever happened must've resulted in sending me......uh...... I don't know where I am" Sora replied clearly distraught with having no real answers to any of his questions. 

Deciding to find out where he landed, Sora then turns his body only to find out that the water was really deep which freaked Sora out for a split second. "Ah! Oh right, this is a regular body of water not like the Final World. I wonder.......could I float on the water?" Sora questioned wanting to see if his idea would actually work. 

Sora then summoned his kingdom key in his right hand and casted an aero spell which helped thrust him out of the water and into the air a couple of feet. While in the air, Sora was unsure if he should try flying in the air, but he wasn't sure if he could stay at the same altitude for so long. Wanting to try something else, Sora closed his eyes and thought of a floating spell that would allow him to either walk on the water or stay above it so that he could cover more area and see if there was dry land. 

Taking a gamble, Sora closed his eyes and raised the keyblade, and yelled, "float!" while still in the air from the aero spell. Hoping for the best, Sora opened his eyes and was met with success. He was clearly on top of the water and yet could still feel the water touch the bottom of his shoes which left him with a goofy smile on his face. Taking note to remember the float spell, Sora then decided to pat himself down and see what he still had in his pockets. 

The first item he found was the Gummiphone which still had power however, in the top corner of the screen there was a red x covering the signal symbol. Thankfully, Sora had been lectured by both Donald and Goofy on how to work the Gummiphone and all the buttons and symbols purposes. Plus using the phone more than once helped Sora to master using the device. 

Putting the Gummiphone away seeing that he wouldn't be able to get in contact with anyone, he then reached into his other pocket which held both his Oathkeeper and Oblivion key chains. But something about them felt different. Pushing that thought to the back of his mind. Sora realized that all his other keychains were missing which greatly disappointed Sora but perhaps they would show up somewhere in this world. Moreover, realizing that his two most important key chains were still with him left a warm and comforting feeling in Sora's heart. 

Wanting to find dry land and where he was exactly in this new world, Sora put his key chains away and decided to start walking forward hoping to see something within the blue sky and never-ending ocean. 

Quite some time passed since Sora began his journey walking above the ocean, he was starting to worry that nothing would be found in this world. Not a moment too soon, Sora heard what appeared to be a large boom that echoed across the sky. Taking that as a sign that there was something or someone in this world perked Sora up and forced him to start running in the direction of the echo. Hoping that whatever had caused the boom would help Sora in his journey across this mysterious new world.


How wrong...


How right he was...


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