Chapter 15: Sakura Hangouts

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*Disclaimer* - I do not own the copyright to Kingdom Hearts or Azur Lane

*A/N* - Hello there, glad to see you again. First off, I'd like to thank everyone who has checked the story out along with leaving their thoughts on what's going on. I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts and opinions about what's good or bad for the story. Secondly, with the situation that Sora's gotten himself in, it's safe to say that things are going to get... scary for our beloved Keyblade wielder. The girls of Azur Lane are... not a force to be reckoned with. Moreover, there will be some plot points that should answer some questions I've seen along with showcasing how Sora's power will continue to wonder and amaze the girls. Nevertheless, I hope you'll enjoy or find the chapter and story entertaining and stick around for the foreseeable future. Take care and enjoy.


The old saying of doing anything with a group of friends will be twice as enjoyable could heavily be applied to Sora's current situation.

After having somewhat sorted out the issue of the barrage of girls asking him to hang out and get the chance to talk, he was now walking along one of the paved roads to a restaurant that Kashino suggested that they all head to as it would allow them to sit down and talk as well as eat.

Sora's sudden infatuation with being hungry all the time was starting to make him realize how much Donald and Goofy helped provide meals while traveling to different worlds. It also got him thinking that he hadn't exactly had still moment to do some cooking of his own. He'd have to change that once he had a moment to himself which... based on how things were looking that might not be happening for quite some time.

Nevertheless, coming back to his surroundings, the blue-eyed boy was now feeling a pair of eyes staring at him with such intensity that he felt that holes were going to appear in his body. Turning his head, he found the culprit that was looking at him. A certain brown ponytail-haired crane was the one.

"Uh... Zuikaku, is something wrong?" he asked, unsure what the girl was doing.

"N-No! Nothing's wrong. I'm just... trying to find the right words to say to you" the Auspicious Crane stated while looking a bit thrown off.

A confused expression was now present on the Keyblade wielder's face.

"Ah, don't mind my silly little sister, Sora. She's just feeling a bit... what's the right word... "Shoukaku said while putting on a cheesy smile and thinking of the right word.

"Awestruck?" Enterprise commented while walking ahead of the Crane sisters.

"Yes! That's the word. Thank you, Enterprise" the white crane addressed.

A humble nod was seen from the cap-wearing white-haired girl.

"Why... is that so, Zuikaku?" Shinano who was walking next to Enterprise asked.

Put on the spot, the ponytailed brunette couldn't help but start feeling her cheeks get warm with all the attention drawn toward her.

"It's nothing... I've just got a lot of questions on my mind, and it all revolves around Sora" Zuikaku reasoned.

"Me? Does it involve what I said back at the council room?" the boy in question asked.

"Yes, it does. A lot actually."

At this point, she glanced down at the ground and then back over at the boy. Her mind was considering asking him one question that was bothering her now and ultimately... she decided to go for it.

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