Chapter 16: Incoming Hope and Trouble

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*Disclaimer* - I do not own the copyright to Kingdom Hearts or Azur Lane

*A/N* - Hello again! Hope things are on the up and up for you. Things certainly have gotten rather interesting with our fellow Keyblade wielder. I do hope that he'll be okay in the upcoming fight... over his heart. But alas, being the author, I have an idea of what's going to happen and... I'm sorry, Sora. Nevertheless, we are also getting ready to get back into the action with things once again going to start picking up and with Sora's involvement in the world of Azur Lane, things are going to get interesting. I'd like to thank everyone for dropping by and giving this story a read. All the reviews and thoughts around this story are greatly appreciated. Now, with that bit of author commentary out of the way, I hope you'll enjoy this next chapter of the Keyblade's Chosen One's time in the world of ship girls. Enjoy.

*P.S.* --> Apologies for this story missing a chapter. Big oof there on my part. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Again, sorry y'all. 


Everyone has experienced this feeling once throughout their life. The feeling of utter bliss and relaxation while lying in your bed. The sensation of having your body relaxed from head to toe with all your worries and tiredness seeping away. Followed by the overall conclusion that you did not want to get up at all and just keep lying there... that was exactly how Sora was feeling right now.

With his body unmoving and a dorky smile resting on his face, the Keyblade wielder of light looked to be in a state of peace. In all honesty, the fruitful and ever-positive spiky-haired young man had not gotten sleep like this in a long time. The days of him searching for Riku and dealing with Organization XIII, taking the Mark of Mastery, and then preparing for the looming Keyblade War had left him on edge for quite some time. Hence, he could honestly say that he was at peace.

This resulted in him turning to his side and smiling brightly while still asleep.

That is... until he felt something pushing back on his arm that was extended out quite a bit.


He moved his hand a bit more while still on the border of sleep and expected to feel nothing. But instead, he felt something strange. Something soft and not the kind of soft he expected to be felt on his bed. Deciding to see what was going on, Sora slowly opened both of his eyes while readjusting his vision to get a good look at what was going on.

As he did so, the blue-eyed boy couldn't help but feel his body tense up and his eyes shoot up in utter shock as well as embarrassment. This situation was something that he'd never had to deal with and couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water. He had to catch his breath while also feeling that his face was on fire.

Sleeping right next to him was a familiar brown-haired kitsune girl who was wearing the brightest smile he had ever seen on her. For a moment, he couldn't help but let a small smile appear on his lips before immediately widening his eyes and looking utterly shocked. Words couldn't fathom the exact reaction he was having. Hence, the only thing he could do was mutter out a simple response.

"Um... Akagi... What are you doing in my bed?"

There was no movement coming from the brunette girl as expected. Sora should have figured that she would not wake up with a simple-

"I would also like to know the kitsune's reasoning for doing such a thing," another voice said off to the side.

"Yeah. I have no idea when she- What are you doing here Belfast!?" he shouted as he turned to the side and saw the white-haired maid doing a curtsey bow.

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