Chapter 13: Insight to Conversations

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*Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright to characters or series of Azur Lane nor Kingdom Hearts. All rights belong to their respective owners.


*A/N - Hey there, how's it going? Hope you're doing all right or well. The last chapter ended with a few things not discussed or mentioned which for the record will be addressed here in this one. Along with the bomb drop in the last chapter. That will most definitely be answered and explained. So, without further ado, I would like to once again say thank you for showing interest in this story and the craziness of this crossover idea. Sora's still got a whole lot of things to do and girls to meet. He's in for a rough time but knowing how he is, then he is bound to make friends with everyone. And with that, until next time. Take care and enjoy.


"What can you tell me about Shibuya?"

Those words coming from the Keyblade wielder had left everyone in attendance confused. This was what the boy wanted to know about?

Immediately after processing what he had said, all the girls started looking at one another while starting to ask each other if there was any sort of significance in what he asked. Those that had grown closer to the boy in such a short amount of time were nonetheless puzzled. In the time that they had spent with him, Sora did not mention anything about... well, anything superficial.

Rather... the few that were close to him knew that he was from another world but to hear that he was interested in a certain city was quite intriguing.

"Sora, why the sudden interest in Shibuya?" Mikasa asked the boy.

Looking down at his hands, the spiky-haired boy couldn't help but smile to himself. Flashbacks to his time in Traverse Town during his Mark of Mastery and the encounters he had with his new friends. Neku, Shiki, Beat, Rhyme, and Joshua.

Along with the last thing that he and Neku said to each other before his friends returned to their home world.

"See you in Shibuya."

Thinking of those words again and what he saw on that map while making his way to the council room, Sora felt a flicker of hope and excitement flood his heart. The chance that some of his friends might actually be here... He felt like cheering and happily singing along!

However, he soon stopped and started thinking about everything on a grander scale.

'If Neku and the others are here in this world, then does that mean they've had to deal with the Sirens along with whatever game it was that they got caught up in? And...'

Lifting his hand in front of him, another thought suddenly appeared in the Keyblade wielder's head. The memory of waking up in that city... followed by encountering Yozora on top of that strange cylindrical building and...

Now that he was thinking about it, the building where he dueled against Yozora was the same building that he saw in his dream or whatever he was experiencing at the time. There had to be some sort of importance to that building, right? So many questions started to fill the boy's mind which was making him on the verge of overloading his brain.

Forcing himself to calm down, Sora let out a sigh before looking back at Nagato and Mikasa who had graciously given the boy a second to gather his thoughts while the rest of the girls either watched him curiously or were silently talking with one another about the question regarding Shibuya.

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