Chapter 4: New Connections

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Once Sora pushed open the doors to the conference hall, he noticed that there was a large table that looked to hold over 30 people. The table had flowers spaced out and chairs on both sides of the table. Sora then began to get a better look around the room and took notice of the decorated windows that gave a great view of the ocean.

There were also flags hanging on the walls that added a sense of pride to the room's atmosphere. Two flags stood out compared to the rest which Sora immediately realized were Eagle Union and Royal Navy. Given that they were the two strongest powers currently in Azur Lane.

Sora turned around and spotted Enterprise entering with an unreadable expression. A moment later Cleveland and Wales were slowly walking in still having a stunned look on their faces. Sora had worry start to rise in his gut feeling that it may have been a bad idea to drop the whole from another world info on them so suddenly.

Enterprise for her part was looking around for anyone that could be in the conference hall noticing that there were some pieces of paper scattered around the tables.

Wales was the first to break out of her stunned state and looked at Sora ready to ask him a plethora of questions but hesitated and slowly bit her lip while closing her eyes. She then turned and started walking towards the front of the conference room and picked up what appeared to be a phone of sorts. Wales seemed to be on the phone for a minute until finally, someone must've picked up.

"Hello...... Illustrious, yes, we have arrived at the conference hall...Yes, we are all in attendance. May I ask you to gather everyone here. Unicorn? That's fine. I am sure she is not the only one curious about our dear friend. He's become the talk around the town.... Yes, I shall have the conference hall ready by then. See you soon."

After finishing her conversation on the phone, Wales put the phone down and turned towards Cleveland and gave out a little sigh. "Cleveland, may I ask for your help in getting the hall ready. The others will be arriving soon to discuss the recent siren encounter along with Sora's situation?"

Cleveland happily nodded "Of course! I can't leave you to get everything set". Once she finished her confirmation, Cleveland took off into the other room most likely to bring out the decor for the conference room.

Sora then perked up seeing that his new friends needed help cleaning up. "Hey, I can help too. What would you like me to do?"

Wales looked over to Sora and gave him a small smile, "No need, Sora. While I appreciate your offer, I'd like for you to take a minute to consider any questions that you might have for us. Given that there are a number of things each of us would like to learn. I suspect it will be a long meeting."

Once Wales finished responding to Sora, she made her ways in the same direction that Cleaveland took off towards. Sora meanwhile decided to take a seat in one of the chairs next to the main table. Enterprise slowly made her way next to Sora taking her cap off and massaging her temple. Enterprise then released a breath she didn't know she was holding and looked towards Sora.

"Sora......I know that you said you were from another world. But are you telling the truth?"

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