Chapter 17: Emotions and Explosions

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*Disclaimer* - I do not own the copyright or characters to Kingdom Hearts or Azur Lane.


*A/N* - Salutations! It's been a minute. A long minute. Sorry about that. I had an eventful end of the year with a lot of things all happening around the same time. However, I'm back and still working on this story as well as others. A great deal of things will be playing out as we follow Sora and Azur Lane's return to base now featuring a few shipgirls from the Red Axis. Additionally, we've got Unicorn and the other girls wanting to collect their thoughts and feelings to welcome the spiky-haired boy back with open arms.

Emotions will be realized or pushed even further, and characters will get to truly think about how they feel regarding the strange boy from another world. Although the girls have only just met Sora, that boy sure tends to build and form bonds through his heart at crazy speeds. Connections that push others to become stronger or find the light within themselves to be better. Not to mention, moments between the Keyblade wielder and ship girls are bound to happen which will be quite the spectacle to see. And lastly, the rising threat of the sudden appearance of a Mirror Sea. So many things are happening... how will the Guardian of Light get through it all? Read and find out.

Also, while you're still here, I'd like to offer my thanks once again for checking this story out. I apologize again for the long wait between chapters for this story. The difficulties of implementing a schedule only for it to all come crashing down is real. I'll do what I can to get chapters out somewhat faster but bear with me... I'm a slow cook. Moreover, I'd like to thank everyone who messaged me during this intermission period of waiting for a new chapter. Some amazing ideas were sent my way that I would like to include in the crazy shenanigans that are this crossover story. Thanks again and enough of me rambling. Enjoy this chapter!


*Music - Kingdom Hearts Missing Link Scala Ad Caelum Theme*


The journey back to Azur Lane had been a rather pleasant one with the skies devoid of any storms or threats on the path back to base. Hood and Wales had made sure to keep a watchful eye on their radars as well as making sure to keep constant communication with Azur Lane's headquarters. Alas, the two blonde Royal Navy girls had also been diverting their eyes over to Her Majesty's ship where it appeared that Queen Elizabeth and Sora were now sitting down at a small table and enjoying a cup of tea provided by Belfast, which was suspected.

Moreover, the sound of laughter from the spiky-haired boy and the Queen herself was loud enough for everyone to hear. The bit about Elizabeth laughing was something that caused the girls to be shocked. It didn't take long for the Keyblade wielder to get the royalty ship girl to open up and enjoy herself to the fullest based on how joyful her laugh sounded. Hood and Wales had never heard Her Majesty snort in laughter before, so listening to her now caused them to feel somewhat weirded out. But in a good way mind you.

Hence, Sora was now doing his best to stifle his laughing while Elizabeth was hunched over and giggling like a madwoman.

"Pfffft... Pfffttt... Ahahaha! You must be jesting!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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