Chapter 11: Conversations and Conflicts

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*Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright to Kingdom Hearts or Azur Lane


*A/N - Hey there, hope you're doing well. Been a minute since we picked up on Sora's adventure in the world of Azur Lane. Figured now would be the best time to get back on track and see what else awaits him. This will be a hefty chapter as many things will be happening. I originally had this clocked at 20k but decided to split a good chunk of the fighting into the next chapter. Elements of Light and Darkness will begin crossing paths for the first time in this world. Sora will be making some new friends and learning more about this world. Things are going to get crazy. Therefore, I wish you all well and hope that you'll stick around for the story as there are many things to come. Take care and enjoy this chapter.


After having left the council room where he met Lady Nagato, Sora followed Shinano and Kashino to somewhere more comfortable where they could have a two-way conversation and ask all the questions they wanted. Along the way, he began to explain what happened during the Sakura Empire's attack on Azur Lane and how he was engaged in battle with Zuikaku when he had to rush and save Unicorn from Kaga in her fox form. He also mentioned steering one of Kaga's planes right into her which knocked her down and stunned her which threw Akagi to act.

That caught the two girls' attention and gave Shinano something to think about in the depths of her mind. Akagi had been acting rather strange as of late. Or well, stranger than usual. Alas, this thought would have to be saved for a later time.

Walking along a road that was paved, Sora noticed all the food stands and the stores being run by many different girls whom he guessed were also kansens. It seemed like everyone was minding their business going and going about their day running around or chatting with friends. That was until one girl spotted Sora walking behind Kashino and she pointed at him which drew the attention of everyone else in the area.

Left standing there awkwardly and at the center of attention, Sora could only raise his hand and wave at everyone.

"H-hey there. Nice to meet you all..." Sora said, bringing his free hand to ruffle the back of his head while awkwardly laughing.

Before any of the girls could yell or run up to him, Shinano stepped to Sora's side which caught the girls off guard and stopped them in their tracks.

"It's all right... Sora is not a threat" Shinano said, which made most of the girls confused.

"B-but Lady Shinano, that boy is the enemy! Kaga and Akagi told us that he is with Azur Lane" one of the girls said.

"That is Lady Akagi and Kaga's opinion on the matter. But ... I believe that Sora is not our enemy. Even if he is aligned with Azur Lane, right now, he is my friend" Shinano said loud and clear for everyone to hear.

The rest of the girls had uneasy looks on their faces. It was one thing to hear from your senpais about a strange boy being considered an enemy and listening to them. But now to hear it from someone else that had not only brought prosperity to the Sakura Empire but been a beacon of wisdom and light to say that this boy was not the enemy left the girls confused.

However, one girl decided to step forward and take a few steps toward Sora and was only a few feet away from him while she scanned the boy up and down noticing his spiky hair, strange clothing, and crown necklace. The girl then looked over at Shinano before nodding and looking back at Sora.

"If what Lady Shinano says about you is true, then I'll be the first to welcome you to the Sakura Empire" The girl then closed her eyes and let a moment pass before she glared at Sora. "But... if you so much as lay a finger on Lady Shinano or betray her judgment, then you'll be granted a cruel fate"

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