Chapter 5: Sakura Revelations

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While Sora was about to begin his meeting with Azur Lane, there was doubt leaking into the ocean.

Across the sea in the Sakura Empire, a fleet was returning to its base with two figures having much to think about deep in their hearts.

The two fox girls that Sora had encountered earlier were now standing on the deck of a large aircraft carrier. The brown-haired girl turned to the white-haired girl who was identified as Kaga. Having a lot to think about since the collaboration with the sirens, the brown-haired girl sighed sadly now staring out at the ocean and the clear blue sky.

Kaga turned to the other side of the ship looking for something out of the ordinary. Her eyes then moved towards the top of the carrier and spotted a Sakura Empire flag swaying back and forth in the wind. Next to the flag was an engraving of a name that belonged to the ship, Akagi.

Kaga slowly closed her eyes and called out to the other girl, "Akagi, what is on your mind. I can sense hesitation in your movements. And you've been quiet since we pulled back from encountering the Grey Ghost."

The girl now known as Akagi merely continued to stare out at the ocean before responding to Kaga, "Dear sister, the fundamentals of battle truly pay a toll to the mind, but yes, you're right there is much on my mind. I have many questions regarding the future. And I fear that my actions won't be enough to change the future."

Kaga became wide-eyed at what her sister had said and turned to look at her with a serious expression. The Akagi she knew was strong and confident while this Akagi seemed unsure of herself. Worry began to spread throughout Kaga's heart, and she feared that her sister was going down a path that she might not be able to come back from.

"Akagi, do not worry about what is out of your control. You knew just as much as I did the consequences and difficulties that would be down this path. We must keep on walking forward in order to achieve our goal."

Listening to her sister's words, Akagi nodded her head agreeing with everything said. However, one thing that was troubling her greatly was the sudden appearance of the boy. The boy with the spiky brown hair and a long black hooded jacket with red hemming, and red flannel flaps. She didn't have much time to observe the boy but one key detail that she noticed and remembered being stunned was his necklace.

The crown shaped necklace.

When Akagi had been approached by the Sirens to help her achieve her goals, she remembered attending one of their meetings that was kept secret from everyone in the Sakura Empire. She recalled a time that she arrived at a meeting without alerting anyone and overheard the Sirens mentioning something about a key. The Siren leader, Observer Alpha, mentioned something about a key being brought to this world and that it would help them with the lock.

This drop of information was interesting but didn't really make sense at the time, however, Observer Alpha further elaborated on the key being in the form of a person. And said person would have a crown attached to their person somewhere. Such a small distinct feature that Akagi merely decided to ignore and go back to her focusing on her main goal.

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