Chapter 14: Discussions of Interest

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*Disclaimer* – I do not own the copyright to Kingdom Hearts or Azur Lane


*A/N* – Greetings y'all! Hope everything is going well for you and whatever it is that you've got going on. Last time we left off, Richelieu said some things that were... quite surprising to say the least. Let's hope Sora can get out of there alive since that is bound to create some waves. Not to mention, introductions to all the new girls that have arrived and will be arriving along with catching everyone up to speed on everything that's going on. So many different paths and stories come together to not only cross paths but also steer the way to a new future where there are bound to be fun and life-changing adventures along with the fact that there is a growing problem in this world. Something that Sora will have a lot more familiarity with compared to the girls. Therein lies another difficult challenge for the Keyblade wielder to face... the feelings of romance within girls, not just ordinary girls. Girls with the ability to summon guns and weapons and even large ships out of nowhere. Scary stuff. Now, enough of me rambling on, I hope you enjoy this chapter and stick around for more of this story. Take care.


Sora did not know how he should respond. There wasn't any real way he could respond. What the orange-haired girl had just said to him sounded... very heartfelt. It touched his heart thinking about her conviction and determination to say what she said to him and in front of everyone else. He honestly couldn't help the bright smile on his face.

Out of his sight, however, many girls were glaring daggers right at the Cardinal due to the feeling of something very well known, jealously.

Prince of Wales, Hood, and Enterprise were on one hand still surprised by Richelieu's sudden announcement, but they were also feeling a knot in their stomach and couldn't help but feel a bit... on edge. Moreover, they were the first to have known Sora for a bit longer compared to the other girls which gave them an advantage in summarizing their feelings on the brunette boy. From his unique physical features to his glorified personality that could manage to make anyone stop what they were doing and chat with him for a minute which could be turned into a whole lot longer due to how much enjoyment and comfort there was to his character. Hence, the three girls were earnestly wanting to be close to the boy. Not in a singular way but more akin to being around him or preferably even just talking with him. That is what the three wanted the most while seeing the Cardinal and boy in question so close to each other.

Zuikaku on her part was in quite a predicament for how she should feel exactly. As it would be reasonable to think, she had no precise clue as to why she was feeling these strange and new, well, feelings. Her heart felt heavy in her chest and the rapid thumping of her leg going up and down while still seated did not appease her in the slightest. It just raised the confusion flowing through her heart and head as to why she was reacting like this while glancing over at... the spiky-haired boy being so close to the girl who basically poured her heart out to him without even truly knowing him. The Red Crane would argue that she was closer to him than anybody else in that while Ayanami was the first to engage in actual combat with him, she recalled Sora mentioning back when he was in the prison cell that he first fought Ayanami and then Zuikaku and so on. That alone gave her a triumphant feeling that she and he had done something remarkable which could be noticed by everyone else. She was one of the first to duel with him and lock blades. Creating a deeper bonded relationship between the two. Something that she was internally giddy about.

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