Chapter 3: A lot of Girls and A Lot of Questions

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After stepping out and introducing himself, Sora spent what felt like an eternity but in reality, it was about a minute just staring at all the girls surrounding Enterprise who had all gone silent with their mouths agape staring at Sora with disbelief. Not knowing what to do, Sora thought of stepping back into the ship and staying there for who knows how long until the girls could come back to their senses. However, one girl managed to break out of her disbelief and address Sora albeit her voice was shaky and held a sense of uncertainty at what she saw with her own eyes. 

Said girl managed to finally speak up, "Wha...what....wait.... are...are you a boy? Like an....act......actual boy?" Sora jolted at the sudden voice filling the once empty pin dropping dock and turned to look at the girl who spoke up. The girl's appearance was that of golden blonde hair, blue socks with white stars and some red lines, along with a white cap of sorts draped around her neck.

 If Sora had anything to say it would be that her attire presented depicted her as a bit of a carefree yet energetic girl with who he hoped to get along. Moreover, Sora decided to respond to her disbelief and show that he meant no harm, "Hey there. My name is Sora and .... yep, I am a boy. I don't want to cause any trouble. Enterprise is the one who found me out in the ocean".

Hearing that Enterprise was the one to find this boy who appeared to be named Sora, the golden blonde girl started to calm down and looked over at Enterprise wanting to ask her some questions, "Wait, Enterprise where did you Sora out at sea? And what was he even doing out there in the first place?" Once the questions started coming in, the other girls began to overcome their frozen stasis and started throwing questions left and right at Enterprise. Some girls even ran up to Sora and began overwhelming him with questions about where he came from and how he woke up in the middle of nowhere. 

Realizing that this wouldn't get Sora anywhere, he called out to Enterprise asking for help to which she became somewhat flustered and began to call out to someone," Wales! Prince of Wales! I need your help!" Now, Enterprise never really interacted with anyone outside of the assigned groups she deployed with when being sent out on an order. So, to hear Enterprise call out to someone who never really had much interaction to begin with other than rarely reporting in for a sortie was quite astonishing. 

Furthermore, the girl who identified as Price of Wales heard her name being called out by Enterprise and hurriedly made her way over to her. In addition, Prince of Wales managed to address everyone and ask them to calm down, "Everyone! Please Settle down. We still don't know the situation at hand. There are many questions that need to be addressed. However, now is not the time nor place to hound Enterprise's guest". 

Managing to get all the girls surrounding Sora to stop and take a step back really surprised Sora. He would need to thank Prince of Wales for giving him some breathing space. Taking a moment to calm himself down, Sora then made his way towards Enterprise who was next to another girl who he figured must have been Prince of Wales. Moreover, given that she was addressed as a prince confused Sora for a moment but ignored that thought and focused on the realization that she was of royalty. However, once Sora started to get a better look at the girl, he had to calm himself down since he had a massive blush on his face. Prince of Wales had a high class yet friendly posture that Sora managed to take notice of immediately since he had experience meeting high-class people. 

However, what got to Sora was Prince of Wales beauty. Her blonde hair seemed to fit just right with her red ruby eyes. The white and black skirt that could be considered short along with the red jacket that hugged her figure quite nicely. Her white thigh-high boots seemed to add to her already outstanding beauty. And to top it all off, Prince of Wales had a sword attached to her hip which intrigued Sora since he began to wonder what sword fighting style she was taught. Nevertheless, all these noticeable features seemed to get Sora's mind thinking and paint his face flushed.

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