Chapter 7: Boy Meets Girl - Many Girls

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*A/N - Soooo, yea.... about that note I left last time about doing shorter chapters. I'm gonna delete that soon. Once I started 4k words then turned to 6k and then 10k. lol


After the meeting had concluded at the conference hall and all the other girls went their separate ways only Sora and Wales were left. The duo continued to make their way toward the dorms that hosted all of the ship girls from the Royal Navy and Eagle Union along with other factions' that were part of Azur Lane.

Wales was walking next to Sora who looked content while holding the back of his head with both of his hands and with a smile on his face. Taking a peek at Sora did not help Wales at all since she was still infatuated with Sora in his pirate outfit and getting a closer look at Sora made her realize more and more that Sora was cute. The way he presented himself with an easy-going attitude while being friendly to anyone he met and even striving to become friends with everyone. Not to mention, Wales had processed everything that Sora had recounted in his most recent adventure and how he fought in an all-out war over the fate of not just one world but many worlds.

Just thinking about the hardships that Sora went through and how he was still able to smile even when all seemed lost. All of it got Wales' heart beating faster and faster with her breathing increasing while also having a bright blush grace her beautiful face which was looking closer and closer to a tomato. A small smile had now graced Wales' lips while her mind planted some interesting thoughts in her head.

Wales started to daydream and pictured Sora in different scenarios within her mind. One scenario depicted the two of them walking together on the beach holding hands all while smiling and feeling at peace with the water brushing past their feet. Another scenario had the duo having dinner together while Sora was describing to her many of his adventures while making hand motions which got Wales's attention not only to Sora's stories but how cute he looked describing all of the adventures he went on with a smile. However, the best dream scenario that she came up with was that she was on her ship out at sea with someone sneaking up behind her. That someone was Sora who gave her a warm and comforting hug radiating with love. But the best part was that Sora was in his pirate attire and gave her a cocky grin that made her legs start to shake and breathing start to hitch along with her heart beginning to melt.

Sora seemed to snap out of his tranquil state of mind and noticed Wales looking a bit flushed in her face and staring out into space. Becoming worried for her, Sora called out to Wales while turning towards her and trying to get a good look at her face.

"Wales, are you ok? Your face is red are you not feeling well?" Sora asked concerned for Wales.

Snapping out of her fantasy, Wales shook her head back and forth while trying to regain her composure in front of Sora but still had a blush covering her cheeks.

"Er...yes, Sora, I'm fine. All is well, I was just thinking of something at the moment" Wales said trying to ease Sora's worry.

Figuring that Wales was ok and just had some stuff on her mind, Sora gave her a nod acknowledging that things were going to change from here on out for Azur Lane. Wales silently let out a relieved sigh seeing that Sora wasn't going to ask any more questions.

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