Chapter 12: Tide of War and Changes

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*Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright to Azur Lane or Kingdom Hearts


*A/N - Hiya! Hope you're all doing well. Thanks so much for sticking through this hectic story and for all the reviews and messages I've been getting regarding the story. I seriously want to let you know how much I appreciate your feedback and ideas. There are so many crazy ideas I have for this story and how Sora will thrive in the world of ship girls. But enough of me rambling. Let's get back to the show. Got a lot of stuff going on here so hopefully, that'll go over well lol. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the chapter and take care.


Continuing to make their way across the island and toward the central radio station, Sora checked his surroundings for any signs of the Heartless appearing. Shifting his sight left and right the boy found nothing but the surprised and defensive stares from the girls of Sakura Empire.

Mikasa was not that far from the boy and began to alert the girls who looked puzzled about the encounter.

"Girls! We have a situation. I repeat we have a situation! Code Red. Prepare yourselves for an incursion and find your squadron leaders. This is not a drill."

Hearing their senpai and superior alert them to the news all the girls in the area immediately bolted from where they were standing and suddenly began running to prepare for the incoming trouble.

Sora meanwhile looked ahead and could see what appeared to be a large building with what appeared to be a saucer-like dish with multiple antennas around the place.

"Is that the central radio station?"

"Yes. It's under construction for improvements made to be implemented into our riggings thanks to the experimentation of Wisdom Cubes" Mikasa answered.

Nodding at the brunette's words, Sora began sprinting to the building in question with Mikasa following right behind him. Worry was starting to crawl up her arms and she had a nauseous feeling forming in the pit of her stomach.

'An enemy that this boy could sense... just who is he?' Mikasa thought while looking at the spiky-haired man next to her.

Before she could ponder any more questions about Sora, a large purple cloud shot appeared in the sky and instantly lowered itself while being placed out at sea. The duo quickly shot their heads to the purple cloud and were shocked at what was happening.

Out at sea there now appeared to be a large dark cloud that covered a grand area making it impossible to see what was happening. But Sora knew for sure what was happening now.

Once the dark cloud started to fade away there in the water stood an entire fleet of dark ships that he easily recognized. It was the ship that he encountered when he first woke up in this world. The Heartless ship.

Letting out a quick sigh, Sora turned to look at Mikasa who had a confused look on her face.

"What... Those aren't Siren ships."

"Mikasa, get to the radio station and alert everyone. It's the Heartless."

"The Heartless? I thought you said they were monsters? Not ships!" Mikasa exclaimed, confused about the whole situation.

"You're not wrong but I'll explain everything later. Right now, you need to let everyone know and get ready. Things are going to get rough."

"Wait? What are you going to do? Why aren't you coming with me?"

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