Chapter 6: First Impressions

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*A/N – Sorry for the delay, Mid-terms were hectic and unexpected events came up. This chapter was a doozy and was going to be longer but I rearranged somethings to shorten it. Concerns and reviews left have been greatly appreciated and I'll do my best to use those reviews so that this story can become better. I'm also planning on fixing or fine tuning some of the earlier chapters but that won't be for some time. Other than that, hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to more on this story and others.

Note: This will be a long chapter and I plan on increasing the size of each chapter going forward but the chapters won't be this long. This is a  one-time thing.




Sitting down where Wales pointed him towards, Sora began to process his surroundings and began scan the faces of the various girls. Feeling a bit anxious at what questions might arise, Sora took a deep breath while composing himself.

A cough in the room managed to snap him out of his thoughts and look at the source of the cough. Queen Elizabeth was the one who coughed gaining Sora's attention since the meeting had shifted from discussing the recent Siren activity and not onto Sora's case.

Rising from her seat, Queen Elizabeth puffed out her chest and placed both of her hands on her hips striking a pose. "Now then, dear servant, since I have your attention. Let us move forward with our next discussion regarding you, boy" Elizabeth spoke up in a heightened tone of voice displaying her stature of royalty.

Wales perked up seeing that now would be the best time to take over the case helping Sora with how the meeting would progress.

"Right then, Sora, how this meeting will commence is based on a question-by-question basis. We shall ask you a question regarding your situation and once you give feedback, then you will be able to ask any of us a question. Does that sound fair?" Wales asked tilting her head towards Sora.

Processing everything Wales had said, Sora nodded while giving a small smile confirming that he agreed with how the meeting would progress.

Before anyone could began to ask a question, Elizabeth was the first to raise her hand or well her staff in the air.

"I, Queen Elizabeth, representative of the mighty Royal Navy, have a question for you servant. Do tell us...Who are you?" Elizabeth pointed her right index finger at Sora demanding an answer from him.

"My name is Sora" Sora replied back.

"Sora? That is a fine name indeed for a servant such as yourself" Elizabeth noted.

Unsure how to answer, Sora gave a confused response, "Er....thank you. Your majesty."

Realizing that he could ask a question now, Sora decided to start with simple questions and work his way towards addressing the larger and more impactful questions.

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