Chapter 8: Entering the Fight

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*Disclaimer I Do Not Own the Copyright for Azur Lane or Kingdom Hearts. All characters belong to their respective properties.


*A/N - Sorry for the wait, had some stuff pop up which pushed this chapter back further than expected. Plus, KH4 got announced. Very excited to see what's to come in Quadratum. Hope we get some real answers for how Versus XIII is going to be incorporated in Quadratum and Verum Rex. As for how KH4 will incorporate into the story. I'm working on a little idea that may include just the trailer as like a premonition/vision of the future, but that won't be for quite some time

Other than that, thank you for the reviews and for giving this story a chance. I hope you look forward to this chapter and have a good day. 

**A/N - Also, I should have clarified this earlier and that's my bad, but Sora's age for this story is 18. Just so that things don't get too weird with the girls of Azur Lane gunning for our boy given that some characters are big perverts *Wales * lol. Furthermore, all characters involved in Sora's soon to be harem are all 18+. My reasoning for his age being 18 back when I started the story was just based on not knowing how old he really is and for how long he was missing after Remind. Given that Sora has been said to be about 15 or 16 and MoM talked about a year passing so for this story Sora is 18. 

Other than that have a wonderful day.


Sprinting out of the dorm building with his keyblade hung over his shoulder, Sora began analyzing his surroundings seeing many girls all running around in different directions. Many ran toward the ocean with some of them having summoned their riggings.

Sora was unsure of what to do exactly or how he could be of any help to the girls when they were all equipped with guns and even ships at their beck and call. However, after stopping and thinking about his situation for a second, Sora realized that getting in contact with Wales would be his best bet on what to do with the sudden Siren attack.

Readying himself both physically and mentally, Sora began to run towards the port where he was with Enterprise yesterday and where he was most likely to find Wales and the others. Taking off in a sprint, Sora began to run to the port while also ignoring the alarm sirens going off to alert the island of the incoming attack. Continuing his trek through the island, Sora saw many girls running back and forth trying to most likely find their squad and get their orders for what to do with the attacking Sirens.

Reaching the inner part of the town he visited with Wales yesterday, Sora noticed Manjuu locking stores down and putting up barriers around buildings to prevent structural damage. However, out of the corner of his eye, Sora saw a dark object moving around very quickly with none of the girls around noticing the dark object. Unsure of the dark object, Sora began to chase it while moving around any girls who could collide with him.

Moreover, while Sora was chasing the dark object moving at an incredible speed, the bombardment from the Sirens was striking the island managing to leave the once peaceful island now full of explosions and the sound of booms echoing throughout the island. Thankfully, Sora was well experienced given his past adventures and all the crazy battles he was involved in.

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