Chapter 1: Walking into the middle of a fight

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*A/N - I made some updates to this chapter to be in line with more current chapters.


Rushing towards the sound of the loud boom's echo, Sora continues running above the water at full speed wanting to find something or someone in this world. Out of the corner of his eye, Sora notices something flying up in the air. Tracing that said object to the left Sora realized that there were a lot more flying objects in the air and what looked to be other objects flying around. 

Moving closer to get a better look Sora realized that the flying objects were actually planes shooting at other planes which meant that Sora was walking into the middle of a fight. Not wanting to get caught in the crossfire, Sora frowned knowing that heading in the direction of the planes was his only shot at finding some sort of civilization. Making his decision with a reluctant sigh, Sora continued running towards the planes which made him do a spit take. 

Out of nowhere, red and black ships that appeared to have a futuristic look around them appeared out of thin air. Knowing that he was not going crazy, at the moment at least, Sora started running toward the closest ship trying to avoid being spotted by the crew or whoever had been commanding the fleet. 

Successfully, Sora ran up the side of the dark ship's wall and onto the main body which appeared to be devoid of anyone or anything. Confused, Sora looked around the ship but still couldn't see anything helpful. Realizing the possibilities, Sora came up with the idea that these ships did not hold anyone on board and were being controlled somewhere else. 

About to jump off the ship and start exploring the rest of the fleet, Sora took a quick glance at the other ships and had to double-take and blink twice before recognizing a distinct symbol. On one of the ships in the fleet, this ship appeared to be black and red, but the closer Sora looked at the ship and its' features he noticed a purple hue on the black and a flag at the top of the ship. 

A heartless symbol plastered on the flag swaying with the wind. 

Taking a moment to process what he had seen, Sora then decided to bolt straight to that ship in particular wanting to stop it from reaching wherever it was supposed to go. Having used his flow motion to jump from one ship to the other, Sora finally landed on the heartless ship summoning his keyblade and taking an offensive fighting stance. 

Unbeknownst to Sora, a figure with white hair and yellow eyes was watching him from a distance on another ship. Wanting to see just who this boy was and why he was so heavily focused on the heartless ship, the figure raised its' hand which had tentacles wrapped around their hand along with darkness beginning to form. Not wanting to be seen, the figure then stepped into a portal to avoid being caught. 

Meanwhile, on the heartless ship. Sora began looking around to see if any heartless would be appear now that the keyblade had been summoned and in his hand which practically worked for attracting darkness like a magnet. Not a moment later a group of shadow heartless started appearing along with multiple large bodies all over the deck of the heartless ship. Smirking with a confident grin, Sora decided to make short work of the heartless and began by getting up close.

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