Chapter One - Arrival of Agatha

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Her bed consumed her with warmth and comfort but the sirens were enough to make her leap out of bed.


"Lana," the tall boy said as he peaked his head inside his sisters room. "Go help dad outside with the boats, quickly."

Her hair still a mess and her eyes barely open, she grabbed the closest thing next to her and put it on; a Metallica hoodie.

The wind and rain swirled around in a disastrous mess as her father struggled to maintain the boats in their place. Lana ran and grabbed a rope to help but it hardly did anything.

The hurricane was so random and abrupt, it seemed so strange however she focused more on helping her dad. After a few more attempts to still the boats, it was time for everyone to take shelter.

"Dad, can I spend the storm with Sarah?"

The Alexpoulos' lived next door to the Camerons; growing up together ensured that Lana and Sarah remained the bestest of friends and that their lives would never get boring. Sometimes they would introduce themselves as sisters to those who didn't know, and they loved the way both of them could rely on one another in full trust. Sarah refused to let anyone hurt Lana, and Lana refused to let anyone hurt Sarah. People would envy their kind of friendship in hopes to maintain something similar themselves one day, they were inseparable.

Her father sighed.

"Alright, but get indoors quickly."

She ran to the Cameron's lawn to find Sarah running inside until she sighted Lana.

"Hey! Are you staying with us?" Sarah asked hopefully out of breathe, with her hands on her knees.

"I thought I might, that's okay right?"

"Of course," a deeper voice stated, emerging from behind her. Ward Cameron. "You girls get inside before you catch a cold."

They entered the Cameron residence and were instantly greeted with warmth and amiability, thankful for electronic heaters.

The walls were covered in glacial wallpapers with designs so pristine they would leave you in awe. Chandeliers dangled in elegance as the paintings on the wall stated wealth and respect.

"Come, let's go to my room."

They climbed the wooden, spiral staircase that lead to the first floor. Sarah's room contained so many good times; the time they got drunk for the very first time and accidentally locked themselves in her room, or the time they got caught smoking weed out of her brothers stash so they attempted to climb out the window to escape the wrath of Rose. It was funny how a small room could hold so many memories.

"God, I'm going to have a shower. I feel disgusting," Lana exclaimed, scrunching her nose in discomfort. "You got any clothes I can wear?"

"Yeah, I'll lay them out on the bed for you."

Few hours later they were cracking up hysterically as they talked about Sarah's love life.

"Okay so," Lana began, trying to catch her breathe between the outbursts of laughter. "He told you he loved you, and you didn't say it back?"

Sarah scrunched her eyes closed in embarrassment and guilt.

"Sarah, you're awful."

"I can't lie to myself, I just don't feel it with him," she sighed, stuffing her mouth with grapes. "And don't get me wrong, Topper's so sweet but I don't think I can be with him any longer."

"Are you going to break up with him?" Lana asked curiously, in shock.

"I have to, don't I? I can't lead him on, that would be cruel," she threw her head into her hands in frustration and stress. "Gosh, I hate my love life."

"At least you have one," Lana whined, also stuffing her face with grapes.

"No, don't even start right now," Sarah yelled. "You had the perfectly amazing opportunity to go out with Ryan Mayfair, but for some reason you rejected him."

"He's extremely good looking, but he's such a jerk," she said, rolling her eyes. "I can't think of anything less attractive."

"True, but then there's also JJ Maybank."

Lana frozen, with a grape in her hand and her eyes widening ever so slightly.

"He never asked me out," she quickly brushed off, hoping to move topic.

"No, you're right. He didn't, but you'd have to be blind to say that he doesn't like you."

"That's because he doesn't."

Sarah punched the bed in annoyance.

"Lana he's obsessed with you!"

Lana scoffed and nodded her head, not knowing what to make of her thoughts about JJ Maybank.

"You don't know what you're talking about Sarah. Are you hearing yourself? It's so absurd," she complained, desperate now more then ever to change topics.

"Fine. Stay oblivious then," she said, getting off the bed and kneeling down to the floor to remove the metal air vent. She grabbed the plastic cup that was attached to a brown string and started to speak. "Wheezie, get us some more grapes please."

A few seconds went by before we received a response.


"Why not?" Sarah yelled, offended.

"Chill, I'll just go get them," Lana offered. She picked up the empty bowl from the bed and approached the famous spiral staircase. In the kitchen, she opened the fridge to retrieve the grapes when Ward also entered the room.

"You girls alright?" he asked, taking a beer from out of the mini fridge.

"Yes, we're just upstairs in Sarah's room," she said, washing the grapes with cold water.

"Well, I've got some important business calls to attend so I'll be in my office if i'm needed for anything urgent but, feel free to ask Rafe for anything if needed."

A pit formed in Lana's stomach at the sound of his name, though she wasn't entirely sure why. She gulped.

"Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much for letting me stay."

"Ah there's no need for that," he exclaimed, approaching Lana so he could gently pay her on the shoulder. "Alannah, you're family. Never forget that."

She gave him a heartfelt smile before he exited the room. Thanks to Ward, he reminded Lana to stay cautious of Rafe and to stay clear of him. He wasn't the nicest of people, and all her previous encounters with him ended with her upset or crying herself to sleep so it was best to avoid him.

It was a big house, but they were still under the same roof so how long could she realistically go before finally bumping into him?

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