Chapter Six - Many moons ago

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They pulled up to the Cameron driveway and Lana had only realised after being parked for a whole minute. Without further hesitation, she tumbled out of the car, trying desperately to keep her balance, and failing terribly at it.

She felt an hand on her arm, the touch made her flinch. There was no way he was helping her walk.

"Excuse me," she yelled, receiving numerous angry shushes from Rafe as it was approaching 2AM. "I am perfectly capable of walking on my own."

"Shut up," he hissed. He waited for her to make her way to her house, but she knew too well that she would fall, thus proving him right. After several seconds, she felt stable enough to walk and made her way to her house, Rafe following her.

Once again, he waited for her to be on her way but she remained as still as stone.

"I don't have my key."

He pinched his nose, almost as if he was disappointed but Lana found it rather funny to which she began to laugh. He snapped his head back up to glare at her, and that made her silent once more.

After what seemed like centuries of staring into his eyes, to Lana's surprise and panic, he knelt down and swung her over his shoulder.

She let out a scream and allowed herself dangle helplessly.

"This is assault," she breathlessly panted, longing so dearly to be put down and to return to the ground.

After a few seconds, she was slowly put down seeing as they had reached back to their house.

"Go inside, quietly, and try and go up the stairs," he instructed, speaking slowly so that she wouldn't miss anything. "I'll bring Sarah."

She successfully unlocked the door and made her way into Sarah's room without waking anyone up. She was able to find one of her T-Shirts and a pair of shorts which she put on after swiftly getting out of that dress she hated so much.

Though she was drunk, she still felt the urgent need to do a skincare routine, and that she did.

Once she was done, she went out to find the other two and to see what they were doing. 

Sarah was now awake and could finally somewhat stand, and Rafe had taken her into the main bathroom to wash her face for her.

A sense of shock left her in awe as she analysed the scene. She had never seen this side of him, no one had. She also never thought he was one for brotherly affection, and she knew for a fact that her brother would never do anything like this for her.

"Rafe," his sister whispered-shouted. "I'm gonna..."

Before she even finished her sentence, he dragged her to the toilet and held back her hair as she vomited her guts out.

"I told you not to drink so much tonight," he calmly told her, stroking her head softly.

This was a sight for sore eyes.

Yet Lana spent most of her life convinced that this man didn't have a single paternal bone in his body, this told her otherwise.

She entered the bathroom, startling him in fear that she had seen everything - which she wondered why it was such a bad thing that she saw him being a caring person - and took over for him, allowing him to go do his own things.

Once Sarah was quite done, she was taken into her room and put into more comfortable clothes.

"Oh God," she groaned, holding her stomach as she laid on her bed. "What did hell did I drink."

"I have no clue," she said, rubbing her friend's arm in comfort, "but whatever it was is surely out of your system now."

She told Sarah to stay in her room whilst she went a retrieved a glass of water for her. 

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