Chapter Twenty Four - Unaware to the dangers of attachment

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The next morning, Lana had gone to the Camerons to see Sarah.

"And then he pushed him off," Sarah exclaimed, outrage and disbelief in her voice. "I can't believe Topper would ever do anything like that."

"I can," Lana retorted, using a toothpick to pick up a grape and eat it from the bowl that was in front of her.

Sarah hit her arm, sighing. "Knock it off, I'm just so thankful that John B's alright."

"So, where is he now anyways?" Lana asked her, eating another grape.

"In his room," Sarah answered, earning a questionable look from Lana. "My father's taken him in as his official legal guardian," she said, going over to the cabinet to grab a cup and pouring herself some coffee. "It's gonna really help him with his DCS case."

Lana frowned, trying to make sense of the situation. "You don't find that weird?"

"Find what weird?"

She dismissed it. "Nothing." She pondered another question in her head, deciding to ask it anyways despite her hesitation. "What's Rafe doing?" she asked, picking at her grapes.

Sarah placed the coffee jug on the table, doing everything in her power to keep her teasing-comments at bay. "He left early this morning."

Lana looked up at her, awkwardly smiling with another grape on her toothpick. "Know where he went?"

Sarah took a large gulp of her coffee before bringing it down, placing it on the table. "Sometimes he goes down to the library," she told him, earning a look of interest from Lana.

She nodded, looking down at the bowl. "Good to know."

Sarah leant across the table with her arms, smirking at her friend.

"As much as it revolts me that your dating my brother, you can still talk to me about it."

Lana stopped her motion, looking back up but avoiding eye contact.

"We're not dating," she said slowly, thinking about her choice of words carefully. Despite everything, she didn't know how she would define herself and Rafe.

Sarah raised her eyebrow, bringing her coffee mug back up to her lips. "That ring on your necklace your wearing tells me differently."

She had forgotten she was wearing that; realising that she had made her smile.

"Sarah?" a voice called out from another room.

"Is that Topper?" Lana exclaimed, finding absurdity in the fact that he would show his face so soon.

Sarah sighed, placing the mug back onto the table. "Wait here."

She stormed out of the room to go find Topper whilst Lana remained in the kitchen, thinking about what she would do today.

She knew that she wanted to go see him; he was like a magnet, calling out to her from wherever he was and psychologically demanding her presence - at least that's how she felt.

The more time she spent with him, the more she hated being away from him. Missing the feeling of his warm finger tips grazing softly against her cold skin was like a hunger to her. She longed to feel his breath on her neck as he clasped the necklace back into her, and how she would give anything to feel his fingers caress the back of her ear as he would go to tuck her hair.

She didn't even know what she was getting herself into; she felt so passionate about someone when in reality, she didn't even know much about him.

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