Chapter Nine - Questions without answers

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The day was so beautiful. The sun shone the perfect amount of heat with the perfect amount of breeze. She could lay in the hammock in her front garden all day listening to music as she admired the scenery in harmony but she had things to do and places to go.

She dosed off slightly as she bathed in the sunlight, feeling at peace with the world. The quiet was so healing until a voice disrupted her ambiance.

"Hey there," he energetically engaged, bringing his sunglasses from his eyes to his head to rest.

Lana flinched at the surprise of his voice, completely forgetting that she had planned to meet JJ today. Here was when the tricky part settled in; she hadn't exactly a plan for today however she felt hideously embarrassed at her encounter with him from yesterday so she figured it was a good way to make it up.

"You look as fresh as a daisy," she mocked, referring to the fact that he was covered in slight dirt and his hands were covered in mud.

"Yeah, car got jammed in a slope," he stated, rubbing his hands on his shirt. "Come on, I wanna take you somewhere."

He took her into the forrest around the corner from her house. As they traveled deeper into the swarm of trees, the occasional spider would appear in front of Lana, scaring her.

"No," she snapped, coming to a halt which lead JJ to stop also. "It's only a matter of time before one lands on my face," she whimpered.

He rolled his eyes and smiled in amusement at her fear.

"Come on," he pleaded, reaching his hand out to her.

Hesitating for a while, she finally gave in and slid her warm hand into his much colder, muddier one.

He lead her over the tree logs and mud, deeper and deeper into the forrest.

"You're not just taking me out here to kill me, are you?" she joked around, until JJ failed to answer her. "JJ."

He chuckled, "Relax," she assured her. "We're here."

She looked around and she could see a water stream, covered in lily pads. The trees were spiralled with vines and pristine daffodils were growing from the root of the tree.

On top of the lily pads were tiny frogs.

Lana squealed and knelt down, cupping her hands to try and get one of the frogs to hop in. After many attempts, she finally caught one; she turned around in excitement to show JJ, who was leaning again a tree, almost as if he was admiring her.

"Look," she innocently told him, still sitting on the floor. After a few more seconds, she released the little frog back into the water.

She remained sitting down, and JJ joined her on the floor. The atmosphere was filled with the tranquil sound of the water trickling onto the lily pads.

They spent hours just talking, catching up - though most of the time it was just Lana talking whilst JJ analysed every inch of her face. The ambiance was so serene, and the air smelt so fresh and pure.

During the time they were talking, JJ reached into his pocket and pulled out a blunt along with a lighter. He stuck the end into his mouth and lit it, inhaling a large amount before returning his stare to Lana.

"You want some?" he offered, handing her the blunt.

She proceed to take a hit before handing it back over to JJ, leaning against a tree stump.

"So, how's life like on that side of the island?"

"It's whatever," he sighed, taking another hit. "Not as fun without you, we all miss you."

Only because you asked // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now