Chapter Five - The feeling that rose whenever she saw him

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An hour later and the girls found themselves still at the party. They hadn't the sense or ability to realise that they should leave soon, but the crowed seemed no less full than it was when they arrived so they never came to that conclusion.

Sarah argued with a couple of boys, and drank some more. At one point Lana had tried to sober up by drinking some water however somehow, she had poured herself more alcohol which ended up being a complete retaliation.

That night, she had become what people liked to call 'life of the party'. It definitely helped with her social life which was the goal, but she wasn't quite sure if she liked this kind of attention. Nonetheless, she decided to relish in the moment whilst she could.

Her vision temporarily blurred for a second, and when it returned she found herself in-front of Kiara which she was thankful for.

"Oh thank god, someone I know," she exhilarated, relieved.

"I missed you!" Kie exclaimed, but Lana had other concerns on her mind.

"Kie I love you, but I seriously think I'm going to hurl," she stated, remaining monotonous.

"Oh God, okay come. Follow me," she ordered, switching to 'mom mode' and grabbing ahold of her arms to take her up the stairs and into the bathroom, which was occupied.

She began to aggressively bang on the door, demanding that whoever was in their to get out, which they did. She shut the door behind her and held her friend's hair back, trying to make her as comfortable as possible. Without hesitation, she did in fact vomit. A lot.

"Atta girl, let it all out," she assured, gently rubbing her back as she resumed her vicious vomiting.

When she was finally done, she climbed her way up to the sink so she could rinse her mouth clean and retouch herself up, Kiara deciding to stay with her for safe measure. She had sobered up quite a bit seeing as most of the alcohol she had ingested was now out of her body, however she still was highly intoxicated.

A loud, intense banging on the door had startled the two of them.

"Just a second," Kie informed the person on the other side of the door. Lana returned to fixing her hair, that was when the forceful banging has continued, regardless of Kie telling them to wait. "JUST A SECOND," she shouted in a louder tone.

They relished in the semi-silence, before the banging resumed. This was the last straw for Lana, which lead her to yank the door open.

"I swear to God, if you don't stop I will vomit on your shoes and give you something to be angry about."

She immediately regretted her choice of words.

She looked up to face him, a mixture of fear and another feeling she couldn't quite identify scoured her stomach. She was genuinely going to be sick again, but she knew she couldn't let that happen, especially not in-front of him. She had the prompt temptation to backwards walk into the bathroom again and lock it shut, and then climb out the window and run away. He was like a giant compared to her, her neck was practically at a full 90 degrees just so she could stare back into his blue, intimidating eyes. If looks could kill, she would have been dead 10 seconds ago.


He drilled his cobalt eyes into hers, as if he was trying to turn her into stone.

"Where's Sarah?" he asked sternly, his voice hitting her like a splinter of coldness.

It was as if she was to meet her doomed fate if she was to look away from him, if she broke eye contact.

"Somewhere downstairs."

He petrified her.

She couldn't move, and she broke some more sweat as she begged despairingly in her head that he would soon go away. She longed for him to disappear so she could finally move. His eyes tore through her soul, as if he knew all of her darkest secrets. As if he had full control of her.

In a way, he did.

"I'm taking you both home," he finally spoke, after piercing through her soul. "Come on."

Lana didn't want to leave yet, but she unwillingly obliged to his orders. She followed him down the stairs to find Sarah like a lost puppy. She hated that she was obeying him, for reasons she was unaware of.

It wasn't long until Rafe re-emerged from the crowed with Sarah by his side.

"Topper ditched!" she yelled in fury. That explained why Rafe was now taking us home. "That asshole, Lana help me kill him. We can be like the people from that one movie!" Her words were slurring all over the place which earned some laughter from Lana, however she felt as if she would be slaughtered for laughing in Rafe's presence.

They stepped outside to find his car, and the cold breeze knocked some more sobriety into Lana as she relished in the refreshment. The breeze had an opposite effect on Sarah and caused her to pass out, clearly she had drank more that she realised.

Before she could hit the floor, Rafe caught her in his arms and proceeded to carry her to the car.

He seemed surprisingly sober, which was not the state he was usually in; especially at a party.

Due to Sarah's unconscious persona, she had to be laid in the back seat whilst that left Lana with only one choice, and that was to sit in the passenger seat.

Luckily, she still was under the slight influence of alcohol which she prayed would vanish her unnecessary nerves, or give her the confidence to sit in a stupid seat and not be a pussy about it.

Once they were all sat in their places, she longed for the car to start as the sooner it did, the sooner she would be home.

She looked at Rafe, confused as to why he wasn't starting the car.

"Seatbelt, now," he oppressively stated.

She was stunned to know that Rafe Cameron cared about a seatbelt.

"Just hurry up and take me home," she murmured, fastening her seatbelt. "Quickly or I'll throw up in your car."

That was enough for him to turn the car on and start to drive away.

She was grateful over the fact that driving required all attention on the road, she was worried she wouldn't survive another staring contest with him. Though he wasn't looking at her this time, his eyes were deeply fixated on the road. Was he always this serious?

"Stop staring at me," he snapped, causing Lana to robotically return her gaze to the road also. Again, she wondered curiously and annoyingly at why he had such fear and control over her. She had never been fond of him.

"I was admiring your window, not you," she nervously slurred, giving herself a mental slap in response to the stupidity of her comment.

All he did was scoff.

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