Chapter Ten - Utter confusion

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Away from everyone else, she wandered around, lost in her thoughts.

That was when she looked up to see him.

He was looking out into the view, smoking something. His hair perfectly swept back expect for the one strand that fell on his forehead and he wore a blue polo shirt, under a jacket with the same gold chain from this morning. Though she should've said something, perhaps a 'hello' or any sort of greeting, she failed to form words.

He inhaled the smoke and turned to face her when exhaling. Their eyes met, intertwining with emotions neither of them wanted to mention.

Instead of saying anything, her eyes diverted to his hands, eying the mysterious thing.

"It's just a cigarette," he assured her, holding it between two of his fingers. His voice was yet again soft and gentle, cutting out slightly from the quietness.

"I see," she responded, not knowing what to say to him now that she had found him.

He returned to look out into the distance again, resuming his smoking. Lana walked towards him, getting a whiff of his signature cologne that he always wore. You could always identify wether he was around from his scent.

She attempted to grab the cigarette but he swiftly pulled it further away from her so it was out of her reach.

"From the looks of it, you've already done your fair share today," he said, whispering almost as he dauntingly analysed her eyes.

"Hay fever."

He chuckled, looking off into the distance again as he passed her the cigarette. They passed each other the joint back-and-forth for a few minutes in complete silence until he grabbed it from her and burnt it out.

"There was still some left," she whined, frustrated.

"No more for you," he murmured, throwing the remains away.

"Nice ring," she complimented, admiring the big gold ring on his index finger.

"Family heirloom," he stated, fiddling with it slightly. Lana went nearer to the edge of the mountain, and this earned a look of concern from him. She sat down and dangled her legs as she looked back at Rafe. "You're going to fall," he mocked, although she was certain he was worried though he doesn't like to show it.

"Then come sit next to me, you can protect me," she sarcastically gushed, holding her chest to mock the idea of her needing someone to protect her.

To her surprise, he walked over towards and her took a seat next to her. The times that he would look into the distance, she would stare at his face and the times she would look away, she'd catch him gazing at her hypnotically.

There were also times they both 'gave in' and stared at each other with no shame.

He thought to himself, her eyes were like the gems you would find in jewellery. Each individual streak in her iris seemed like perfection and you only needed her eyes to tell wether she was smiling or frowning. When she would smile, her eyes would gleam so brightly like stars, twinkling so magically.

She thought to herself, his eyes were like pure diamonds but not the ones you would find in jewellery. Diamonds that had newly been found; the ones that weren't polished yet and made into such glorious objects. This was because although he was beautiful on the outside, on the inside remained a little surprise. She was yet to find out the mysteries of Rafe Cameron.

"Got what you needed?" he mumbled, his voice low and deep. He was referring to the fact that she had been staring into his soul for the past minute, as if she was searching for something within them.

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