Chapter Nineteen - Aftermath

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"It'll start to rain soon," she told him, staring up into the sky.

He copied her and also evaluated the dark and illuminating sky, checking the time on his phone shortly after.

"I think it's safe for you go back to island now," he told her, sliding his phone back into his back pocket.

She blinked, throwing her hands into the air.

"What was the point of all this?" she exasperated, slighting raising her eyebrows in confusion.

He chuckled at her obliviousness and took a step closer to her, sighing. "I'll tell you on the way," he finally gave in, tucking a strand of hair from in front of her eye behind her ear, tracing his fingers down her neck. "Nonetheless, I think it was still a pretty eventful trip."

She couldn't help the smile that crept onto her face from staying at bay, her cheeks stinging from the blood rushing rapidly to them. "Absolutely," she agreed, pulling a straight face and nodding. "Today I learnt to read Shakespeare more privately."

He furrowed his eyebrows, reciprocating the smile back to her. "That's all you gathered from today?"

A silence echoed between them as they spent a moment gazing into each other's eyes, gifting the purest of gleeful smiles.

"Pretty much," she nodded.

He took her hand again and lead her to the ferries, hoping that this time there would actually be tickets available for them rather than having to sneak on. The sky was now completely pitch black and the crickets had started to chirp.

"I'm sorry folks," the ticket master said to them, pulling a frown as he packed up his stuff. "This here is the last boat to sail for tonight and you just missed the last tickets."

"Rafe we need to get on it," she urged him, panicking as she switched on her phone. "If I'm home any later than 10pm, my Dad'll literally hang me."

He looked around to see any hidden entrances, but there were none. He tried negotiating with the man by offering him an unnecessarily large amount of money but it had been no use.

"I don't know what to do," he told her, looking down on her in sympathy for the trouble she'd be in.

"I'm dead," she calmly stated, sarcastically smiling at him. "Take a good look at this face because I won't be here tomorrow," she dramatically exclaimed, gaining the attention of a couple passengers that were sitting on the boat.

He chuckled and placed his hand on her shoulder, the other on the side of her face so she would look at him. "I promise you, you'll be fine," he assured her, rubbing his thumb on her cheek. "I'll make up something and tell your Dad myself."

"He'll kill you too," she reinforced to him, her exaggerated tone remaining.

They stayed like that for a few seconds, thinking of possible solutions for their situation when a voice directed towards them startled them.


He didn't remove his hand from her face straight away, he kept it there until the two of them looked over into the direction the voice had emerged from only to find Sarah on the boat, her face pulling an expression neither of them had ever seen before.

After that, he immediately pulled his hand away from her face, whispering a profanity under this breath.

Lana's body in that moment had been consumed with horror, a flash of hot air covering her in sweat.

"Bury me next to the beach," she sighed, "And make sure they spell my name right on my gravestone."

They walked over to Sarah, who was with John B; the strangest of people
to be seen together but she didn't question her about it seeing as she had just been seen gazing into the eyes of her brother.

Only because you asked // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now