Chapter Seventeen - Finding amusement in shame

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"I know a place," he told her, pulling her softly in the right direction to head towards from the grip he still hand on her hand.

She loved the feeling of her cold hand smothered in his much warmer and bigger one, feeling safe almost.

"Is this place that you're taking me to a slaughter house?" she asked him, smiling up at him in sarcasm; she still had no idea why she had to be off the island, she joked in her head that this was his big attempt to murder her though she strangely felt safe with him so it merely remained as a joke.

"You'll like it there," he assured her, taking a left.

"May I be so lucky as to walk on my own?" she queried; not that she wanted to walk without his hand in hers but the curiosity of it lingered nonetheless.

"No," he answered her simply, allowing room for elaboration but deciding not to give it.

They soon arrived at a rather grand building, entering inside. The architecture was by far the most prepossessing she had ever seen, the walls were glacially embedded with resplendent design and dangling form the ceiling were several diamond chandeliers, twinkling exquisitely. It was as if the glimmering reflection of the jewels were reflecting off of her viridescent eyes as she gazed in admiration at everything that was around her.

For the most part of her visual applause towards the beauty of the building she had just entered, Rafe had been analysing her in the same way. She stared in awe and he chose to view the diamonds sparkling from within her eyes, finding more pleasure in that.

He had let go of her hand and began to walk further into the building.

"Come on," he told her, she was too captured in her little trance to comprehend the instructions straight away so a few seconds later she jogged to catch up with him, stopping when she was by his side again.

He stopped to open another set of doors, revealing walls and walls of ancient looking books.

Her mouth had dropped in amazement, seeming like in that moment she could've shed a tear or two.

Words did not formulate for her as she began to open her mouth, wanting to say something to him. A thank you, or a question, or even an expression of her feelings but nothing came out of her mouth.

Instead, she turned to look at him and that was all she had to do; that look was able to transfer him a perfect explanation of everything she had wanted to say.

"Pick one," he stated.

"Can I?" she doubtfully asked him, appreciating the view enough.

"Of course," he told her.

He had taken a seat at a table after grabbing a book for himself, beginning to open a page that was already folded at the top of the page, indicating that he had been here before not too long ago. She spent approximately ten minutes trying to find the perfect book, and by the end she had brought back twelve.

"I couldn't decide," she slowly stated, taking a seat and spreading the books out on the table.

"You're going to read all of those?"

"No silly," she said, stopping her actions to look at him. "You're going to help me decide."

He sighed and placed his book on the table, facing down to ensure his place and page.

"Let's see," he began, moving his chair closer to hers so he could view the book titles properly. He snapped his head to look at her disappointingly, holding up a book from her pile. "Really?" he questioned, a sense of distaste in his voice as he held up 'Henry V' by Shakespeare.

Only because you asked // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now