Chapter Twenty Nine - Rather to stay oblivious

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"Okay now, bye bye," she sarcastically remarked, waving her hand at him.

He chuckled, stoping the door from closing with his hand as she tried to shut it.

"That's it?" he asked her, returning to his original position with his arm leaning against the door.

She tried to hide her smile but failed, feeling her cheeks sting. She could live in an everlasting moment where she only dived forever into his eyes, drowning in his gaze.

She gave in and swung her arms around his neck, bringing him down to meet her level as she pulled him closer to her to connect her lips with his. He pushed her, just a little so that she would have her back against the door frame, placing his hands loosely on her hips.

She knew that she'd never grow tired of the taste of him; he tasted like candy, and she couldn't figure out weather it had been because he ate some or if it was the fact that she was so drawn to him that she psychologically tasted something to attract her into the kiss more, and of course there was always a hint of whiskey somewhere.

She grabbed his shirt and pulled him away from her. "Gimme your skittles, I know you have some," she asked him, looking up into his eyes.

He laughed, amazed at her senses. "Can't, Sarah ate the rest."

She scoffed, using the grip she held on his shirt to pull him in once more, growing quickly excited at the touch of his lips and placing her hands on his cheeks, trying to deepen the kiss as much as she could.

His hands remained on her waist, pulling her closer to him as he sighed into her mouth.

Their interaction was interrupted when a person clearing their throat startled them, causing them flinch away from each other as Rafe immediately retracted his hands away from her

"Cole," Lana announced as she connected her head with the door frame, Rafe returning to lean on the other side of the frame as he smiled widely at her brother. "Fuck my stupid, shitty life," Lana whispered under her breath, squinting her eyes closed.

"I'm just letting you know that I will be walking past you, into the kitchen," he informed them, frowning in sarcastic disgust. "Please pause your activities."

Lana threw her head into her hands as Rafe let out a chuckle, silencing at Lana darted her at eyes at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he told her as Cole walked by, placing his hand besides his eyes so that he could pretend he didn't see them.

Lana let her head rest against Rafe's chest, wishing so deeply that he didn't have to leave. It always felt that when he left, he took a part of her with him, leaving her feeling partially empty inside.

"I hate this part," she murmured into the cloth of his shirt, enjoying his warmth until she finally had to be ripped away from it. He sighed, wrapping his arms around her and placing his chin on top of her head, closing his eyes. They stayed like that for a moment, not using their words but their actions to communicate how badly they both wished to remain like that for as long as they could. "I should go check up on Sarah," she told him, standing on her tiptoes to sneak a tiny kiss in the crook of his neck.

He pulled away from her, so obviously trying to conceal a smile.

After he had left, she found herself standing by herself in the same spot, just this time with the door closed and minus Rafe.

She felt so empty and hallow, and she felt mad at the world for not allowing her to be with him all the time. She couldn't help but feel complete with him, and it meant more to her now than ever because it had just been the very thing she was needing at that point in her life.

Only because you asked // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now